Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs


Aug 15, 2024
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I found these gremlins inside of a set of aluminum Premier 932s. I have mounted them right out of the box in the past and gotten away with it. Not this time. Fuel began pouring out of the right side carb as soon as the bowl had filled. I pulled the bowl traps and found shavings, so pulled the bowls. I would have done a more thorough cleaning but the carbs were already on the bike. Luckily, the bike now starts, runs and idles beautifully after chasing this stuff out of the bowls. Never again will I install a carb out of the box without first cleaning and inspecting it. Lesson learned....
Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs
Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs
Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs
I found these gremlins inside of a set of aluminum Premier 932s. I have mounted them right out of the box in the past and gotten away with it. Not this time. Fuel began pouring out of the right side carb as soon as the bowl had filled. I pulled the bowl traps and found shavings, so pulled the bowls. I would have done a more thorough cleaning but the carbs were already on the bike. Luckily, the bike now starts, runs and idles beautifully after chasing this stuff out of the bowls. Never again will I install a carb out of the box without first cleaning and inspecting it. Lesson learned....
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This is insane. Modern manufacturing is so much better than this.

The repeated incidents shown many times here point DIRECTLY to a disgruntled worker. That person needs to be identified and "redirected" 👉🏻👋🏻
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Not to mention loose jets right from the box. I'd say it's a case of low volume production hand assembly work and Dereck or Clive not giving a shite about it and management not either. After all, where else are you gonna buy a new set of Amals? "It may be crooked but it's the only game in town"
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I found these gremlins inside of a set of aluminum Premier 932s. I have mounted them right out of the box in the past and gotten away with it. Not this time. Fuel began pouring out of the right side carb as soon as the bowl had filled. I pulled the bowl traps and found shavings, so pulled the bowls. I would have done a more thorough cleaning but the carbs were already on the bike. Luckily, the bike now starts, runs and idles beautifully after chasing this stuff out of the bowls. Never again will I install a carb out of the box without first cleaning and inspecting it. Lesson learned....
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I had the same problems with mine, thanks for reminding me as I have another bike that's getting a new pair and want to go through those as well. It's hard to believe they come like that, but once cleaned they sure do run nice.
this forum is no place for you to bring your racism @MikeG


I read Mike G’ reply and I don’t see what you are talking about with the racism comment.
Please explain your thoughts.
My guess is it's easy to complain about poorly made repop parts from other countries as long as you don't say who actually made them. I edited the original names out so as not to further offend some.
Please say where you got things when you find them faulty!

I have installed/sold many AMAL Premier sets. Since they started factory testing, I have found nothing wrong with any of them and no one I've sold to has reported any problem to me. The earlier Zinc sets definitely needed to be checked - especially the float adjustment and for swarf.

Many (most) sellers are selling generic carb sets and changing the jets and/or slides to match the model you need. If the carb sub-numbers are 300/301 they aren't even for 850s but can be made to suit 750s. So, you cannot say that they left AMAL bad if you're buying them!

The bottom of this page offers a lot of AMAL carb info for Commandos:

All sets I sell are as they were provided by AMAL unless I'm asked to go through them. With the Zinc sets, I recommended that. I will still to it if asked. All sets I sell either come with #19 pilot jets, or I provide them.

* All 850 sets are the same except for the main jet, sub-number on the side of the carbs, and needle position. They all come from AMAL with #19 pilot jets. The spray tube and needle are special for 850 Norton carb sets.

* 750 carb sets vary between 930 and 932, main jets, sub-number on the side of the carbs, and needle position. They all come with #17 pilot jets from AMAL (I include the #19)
this forum is no place for you to bring your racism @MikeG

With what little has been said...I still don't understand how racism worked its way into this...Is there some undertone or inflection I am missing?
Calling another member out as their actions being "disgusting" with accusations of racism is strong judgmental commentary.
Clarification would be in order?
Please say where you got things when you find them faulty!

I have installed/sold many AMAL Premier sets. Since they started factory testing, I have found nothing wrong with any of them and no one I've sold to has reported any problem to me. The earlier Zinc sets definitely needed to be checked - especially the float adjustment and for swarf.

Many (most) sellers are selling generic carb sets and changing the jets and/or slides to match the model you need. If the carb sub-numbers are 300/301 they aren't even for 850s but can be made to suit 750s. So, you cannot say that they left AMAL bad if you're buying them!

The bottom of this page offers a lot of AMAL carb info for Commandos:

All sets I sell are as they were provided by AMAL unless I'm asked to go through them. With the Zinc sets, I recommended that. I will still to it if asked. All sets I sell either come with #19 pilot jets, or I provide them.

* All 850 sets are the same except for the main jet, sub-number on the side of the carbs, and needle position. They all come from AMAL with #19 pilot jets. The spray tube and needle are special for 850 Norton carb sets.

* 750 carb sets vary between 930 and 932, main jets, sub-number on the side of the carbs, and needle position. They all come with #17 pilot jets from AMAL (I include the #19)
Here are a couple of pictures of the box and my right side carb. I really don't know much from the box markings. They feel light enough to be aluminum bodies. I know at one time, Burlen offered Premiers in both aluminum and whatever the alternative metal they use. Aluminum cost more as I recall. If you can decipher the numbers etc on the box and share the info, that would be great. I think the sticker with the December 2024 date, Norton 850 and Baxter Cycle is a shipping label, but that is just a guess.
Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs
Always clean out of the Box Amal Carbs
this forum is no place for you to bring your racism @MikeG

I , too fail to see the racism in Mike G ‘s post but perhaps I am out of the loop or thick skinned . I am not trying to stir the pot - simply looking to understand. My guess is the names he used are ethnic? Help me out here please …
Hi, I too have just installed a set of Premiers on my Mk2 850 so this thread is of extreme interest to me. I don’t understand the racism comments that are referred to and assume that is because inappropriate sections have been edited. Of course no forum or any other space should host racist views but by the same token a forum must to some degree be robust and be extend a level of tolerance in what can is allowed, with the usual provisos. But back to my experience, I didn’t disassemble my carbs although I have read about the swarf issues. I did move the circlip on the needles from the mid position to the top groove. The carbs are running perfectly and the bike has never felt so good. Maybe I was just lucky. Alan
Here are a couple of pictures of the box and my right side carb. I really don't know much from the box markings. They feel light enough to be aluminum bodies. I know at one time, Burlen offered Premiers in both aluminum and whatever the alternative metal they use. Aluminum cost more as I recall. If you can decipher the numbers etc on the box and share the info, that would be great. I think the sticker with the December 2024 date, Norton 850 and Baxter Cycle is a shipping label, but that is just a guess.View attachment 118547View attachment 118548
The small sticker at the lower left is the AMAL sticker. The "GRN No" is an AMAL tracking number, the rest of the numbers on that label describe the jets and slide.

The top right stickers is Baxter's.

I've never seen a sticker like the one that has PACK 136 in bold - they do not leave AMAL that way and I just verified that with all I have in stock unless they started after my last purchase in late Oct 24.

So, that box left AMAL as PACK 136 which is fine as long as you have an 850 MK1/MK2 Roadster that has peashooters and a hamcan air cleaner. There is confusion on 73 850 Interstates - might me PACK 136 or PACK 137 (only difference is the main jet).

Glad to hear that Baxter doesn't do the generic nonsense!

When you got the carbs, did each have a short test cable installed and was a slip of paper talking about it in the box?

The Baxter sticker implies that the carb set was delivered to them in Dec 24 - I hope what you found doesn't mean that AMAL has stopped adjusting and testing!

BTW, AMAL often builds Norton sets when ordered. Too low a number and too many variations to have them on the shelf.
The names used in the original post were Abdul and ?. The implication being that individuals of Arabic/Muslim ethnicity were resonsible for the swarf.
On the original poster being called out as racist seems a bit over the top. He recognized the offense and edited the names in the post.
The names used could just as easily been Liam and Finn, implying Irish ethnicity. In either case it seems to be meant as a joke, but, yes, a slur
nonetheless. Let’s all be a little kinder folks. No ax murderers are posting here. Who hasn’t ever said or written inappropriate things meaning it to be a joke.
I went through mine before installing and everything was OK but I heard enough from others to check first. Only change i made was #17 to #19 pilot jets. A lot easier to do first rather than having to mess with the manifold screws and ham can twice

This thread reminds me why I post so much less on here these days.

There was NO racism.

Someone may have not have approved of someone else’s attempt at humour. I didn’t find it very funny either, but so what?

I was once called racist on here for using the word ‘Indians’. Trouble is, the post was about a time I was in India, working with some Indian colleagues and friends.

As one half of a mixed race marriage, I abhor racists.

I also abhor those who desperately try and seek it where it is not.

Makes me sick. And sad, coz above all, it actually makes things worse.
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