What I was after is where its at its maximum inetia , but its NOT inertia entirely . The KINETIC came in due to Brain Fade at 1:30 A.M. here .
As the Combustion is a controled explosion , rather than instantaeneous ' explosion ' of the entire charge in the chamber - see ' Burn Rate ' , The Combustion starts about T.D.C. ,
and extends for ' X ' nanoseconds , or suchlike .
Not Entirely disimilar to a Steam train , which would exert a Continuous Rate of Pressure on the Piston Crown . / The CONTINUED Combustion of the Charge through some portion of the Stoke ,
sees a pressure applied to the Piston Crown , as the mixture ignites , then ' burns ' . Presumeably :wink: at the exhaustion of the favourable ratio ( 16:1 odd / Contamination of combustability )
the things achieved its optimum speed / inertia ( mechanically ) . Thus ' the end of the power pulse ; Thereafter its coasting , etc .
SO the contiuos exerted force through a portion of the stroke is accelerateing the piston . Assumeing the Combustion Pressure to be the maximum force , there must be some point at which it peaks ,
or some portion between tdc & bdc where its achieved maximum effort .
ASIDE from that , and further to that , the evacuation IF combustion is achieved IN the Exhaust can induce further negative pressure / vacum , enhanceing the scavengeing and thus Neg. pressure in the Chamber ( cylinder )
this combined with the induction pulse , which is greater therefore also , etc . Hence Setwrights term ' Thermo etc ( something that slips the mind at the moment ) ENGINE . As in the pressure temperature density Engine .
The mechanical pieces constructing & containing ( we hope :lol: ) this . But being secondary to this thermodynamic action , though constructing and trasmitting it .
Therefore that pistons going like stink , at a certain part of the cycle .
Digessing Further , a closed chamber crankcase the compression of the crankcase atmosphere cushions the piston descent at its lower extreme . Though this would be less so with a well ventilated crankcase . THEREFORE ' we '
would not expect exactly similar ' figures ' in these two differant cases .

8) :x :lol: .
vauge approximation might be the old large wooden mallet ( = combustion ) & the thingo that rings the bell ( = piston ) at the Circus . Though theres a few other bits in there too .
something vaugely relevant .