i guess its settled longer rods distinctly benefit Commando engines especially boosted so Alan touches on a vital nerve issue my whole career based on being a last resort Dr. Alan, having your successful 850 methanol power band and over steering handling security to reflect on goes a long way to keep ya interested and sane.
Studies done since 1914 on show impingement of neck/brain stem is primary cause of atherosclerosis and cervical posture/curve or lack of is best predictor by far for deadly heart and brain stroke. Most of us had early and on going neck injurys, some w/o realizing it breaking an arm or leg or collar bone to focus on just then, but like car knocked out of line besides tires going more often eventually the ball joints do to. Life has mechanical, chemical, emotional stresses but stress means emphasis so not all stress is bad but rather vital to survival. As neck segments decay and impinge on vascular supply to brain stem it becomes more easy to inflame and radiate over reactions in the tissues and organs it controls. Oriental, ancient European and recent alternative health systems know that each flavor of emotion stresses a particular organ most and just like a heart attack can refer pain into L arm so can other organs in other places. Liver/gall bladder associated with anger, resentment, jealousy, bitterness, so mental symptoms of a diseased liver or someone having those emotions aimed at them. Heart associated with joy to build up or lost of love un-returned to injury it. Organ metabolism gets chronically stuck in stress reaction till adrenals, to pituitary get weak, know as Han's Selye Stress Response.
Throw in bad food/chemical exposure and it magnifies effect of neurotransmitters on immune/inflammatory stress reaction and body must make extra cholesterol to protect itself from even worse free radical oxidation damage. As stress levels go down so does blood lipid profile back to normal. Some times in stress reactions one craves certain foods/drink/drugs one is allergic too but with delayed reaction that gets worse w/o them as then go through a withdrawal hang over phase only think helps temporarily is another fix.
You can not hold a thought in head or feeling in chest w/o it affecting jaw/neck tension so sad/anxious states just put more mechanical strain in upper neck choking down brain flow which makes brain inflame and excrete un-controlled thoughts-emotions, kind of like a muscle cramp from restricted blood flow. Some times DC find emotional source to body pains, rape or family death are common ones. When enough pain-shock hits us our higher reasoning brain parts shut down and let everything in un-flitered so next time the music on radio or sound of a voice or temperature or season of year etc, the body reacts as if happening again and withholds energy for rest of life to be prepped for what it took to endure 1st time. Hurt to the Quick, Skeletons in the Closet, Tired to the Bone stuff. There are a number of ways to disconnect the biological reflex is PTSD cases so its more just a memory than a heart gripper.
More than any thing else hi stress of mechanical, chemical or psychological the most vital stuff is the minerals especially the ones needed in macro amounts unless of course you eat like cave men hunter gathers enjoying bugs and larvy and roots and tubers and berries and grass and fish fins and cracking bones ya knawed the grisle off to suck out the marrow, better find a good multi-mineral or may find can't relax or repair joints and strinks and bone reserves used up keeping alive, till too low they don't suddenly. To regrow neck needs comfy traction and stretches done some weeks months and seasons to become a believer. Can pm a DIY protocol to follow up on.
One wild thing I've noticed in me and patients reports is once neck/brain stem pretty recovered they tend to be in the right place at right time for right experience, which sounds like magic, yet damn it that's the way I like life feel like and pretty much 24/7 does now. I'm 62 and proven I can take serious crashes and recover better than prior so still not old enough to know better to be building up a connecting rod testing over powered lightened lifted Commando to snatch down by reverse control power steering so no slip sliding delays involved and instant power cuts more important than power ups.