961 is back !

Except it wasn’t me complaining about the price. That was clearly you.
It’s just a bit humorous to me that you support TVS and all of their business choices, yet you won’t pay the piper.
That’s not my idea of support.

I was in need of “body” parts. Not internal engine or mechanical parts.
I’m more than happy to pay the price if the parts are available.

You had sticker shock for a seat in which you asked and received a price for. My question is, if you knew you didn’t want a 2 up seat, why the sticker shock? You already knew you didn’t want it.

The one in need of a deep breath is you. Hopefully now after the prices, your heart rate has settled.

961 is back !
Go on Voodoo, let it all out mate…..…..…………. and now …………. breath! All good? Lovely.


Ok that clarifies a little I guesss - engine/internal/hard part prices seem reasonable/acceptable, but bodywork is gonna be super expensive. Stiil, great news that parts are flowing and they are selling engine internals etc, despite potential compatability issues - pretty much as they notified - they will supply all parts they have sourced and tested; for certain components, no guarantee of compatability.

FOMO on spares over it appears. Maybe the theory of not wanting to sell to Donington owners is not quite accurate then - which again is good news.

If we require bodywork, I guess we’ve just gotta ‘pay the piper’ or find an alternative. Personal choice. I’ve been looking for a single seat unit for years with no luck - I much prefer the aesthetic and have a damaged rear cowl; gotta love those good vibrations!

Makes no sense to pay £900+ for a new dual seat cowl for a look I like less, when it appears I can have an entire single seat unit made in carbon for less (minus the cost of the mould) and end up with the rear end I was looking for. Result!

I’ve engaged with this firm in Brisbane who do some really nice work; meeting the main man in Brisbane later today. He believes he can make a mould without destroying the original dual seat unit and cowl. I’m not so sure - don’t know enough about the process. If I go ahead and am happy with the finished item, I’ll throw it open for anyone interested.

Those of us waiting for TAB to get back in business have just received an email saying that they are ready to start making 961 ally tanks again, which is awesome. Thanks in no small part to Stu apparently, for providing advice and the loan of a donor frame - good on yer Stu 👍! TAB are great to deal with.

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Geez, not gonna recognise my own bike shortly - it may even end up looking ‘properly premium’😆!

Now, off to make beans on toast for tea!
Ahhh shit....that reminds me, I was supposed to post a wiring harness out to them as well. Bugger, will sort it next week.
Except it wasn’t me complaining about the price. That was clearly you.
It’s just a bit humorous to me that you support TVS and all of their business choices, yet you won’t pay the piper.
That’s not my idea of support.

I was in need of “body” parts. Not internal engine or mechanical parts.
I’m more than happy to pay the price if the parts are available.

You had sticker shock for a seat in which you asked and received a price for. My question is, if you knew you didn’t want a 2 up seat, why the sticker shock? You already knew you didn’t want it.

The one in need of a deep breath is you. Hopefully now after the prices, your heart rate has settled.
Come on, be nice. You aren't on an island surrounded by sharks with no guns, and it's the middle of winter.
Hi Stephen , Are you still going for the TAB2 aluminum gas tank ? I would buy again if TAB makes a Long Range high capacity version for us ! As it stands the current one I have is 4.5 USG .
Hey Tony,

Yes, sticking with the same tank as you bought - very nice piece of kit. It has sufficient capacity for the type of riding I do on the CR -,generally no more than 200Km. Long enough for a good Sunday blast out with the lads without crippling me - yet!

I guess you could approach them about a long range version although no doubt they’d need sufficient interest to design/manufacture another variant. Worth a go though.
As he says at the end, doubt he'll get to road test another new Norton 🫣

Sorry if this is a rant. Also I am sorry but for one I don't like Vloggers Nothing against this one in particular, but why should I place any credence in what he says. This is not his profession and he is either doing this for money or kudos. Sorry if he reads this and if there is any other reason please feel free to explain. This is a man whose preferred choice of bikes is a BMW GS. Why would he like a specialist bike like a Norton. I also have a BMW and a Yamaha and I do not compare apples with oranges. They are all bought for specific and sometimes altruistic reasons. I also think I can manage without a fuel gauge, which is something he places emphasis on. And yes I have changed the mirrors and Indicators, but I also did this on my Yamaha. Again, sorry, but I could not watch this until the end but skipped sections. If I have missed anything positive please let me know but I can do without these reviews in my life. And far too many sorry's in this post, when actually I don't think I am.
Sorry if this is a rant. Also I am sorry but for one I don't like Vloggers Nothing against this one in particular, but why should I place any credence in what he says. This is not his profession and he is either doing this for money or kudos. Sorry if he reads this and if there is any other reason please feel free to explain. This is a man whose preferred choice of bikes is a BMW GS. Why would he like a specialist bike like a Norton. I also have a BMW and a Yamaha and I do not compare apples with oranges. They are all bought for specific and sometimes altruistic reasons. I also think I can manage without a fuel gauge, which is something he places emphasis on. And yes I have changed the mirrors and Indicators, but I also did this on my Yamaha. Again, sorry, but I could not watch this until the end but skipped sections. If I have missed anything positive please let me know but I can do without these reviews in my life. And far too many sorry's in this post, when actually I don't think I am.
Hello GLB , Yes , I was troubled by somethings he said too.
Hello GLB , Yes , I was troubled by somethings he said too.
I have watched other videos he has made and I just cannot warm to the guy. Also his clutch fluid was a black as mine after a short period of madness last weekend. (For 'short period 'read 'all morning'.


  • 961 is back !
    159.5 KB · Views: 111
Soon if not already, he will be saying how smooth and quiet the zero sounds with zero vibration and no rider feedback. I do watch his stuff but he simply doesn't get it does he. I had problems with my 2018 50th cafe from day one, but after a few simple mods, mainly via Stu at Motorvated, I grow to love it after each ride.

I really don't think new Norton have changed much at all beyond what Stu at Motorvated has identified and changed. Let us enjoy our rare bikes rather than the sterile ones the likes of Triumph are putting out
Soon if not already, he will be saying how smooth and quiet the zero sounds with zero vibration and no rider feedback. I do watch his stuff but he simply doesn't get it does he. I had problems with my 2018 50th cafe from day one, but after a few simple mods, mainly via Stu at Motorvated, I grow to love it after each ride.

I really don't think new Norton have changed much at all beyond what Stu at Motorvated has identified and changed. Let us enjoy our rare bikes rather than the sterile ones the likes of Triumph are putting out
Spot on WR.

His reviews are pretty reasonable usually (he’s good at what he does - mostly) but he’s an out and out modern bike fan, as he says. He likes retro bikes that look retro but perform as modern bikes, including riding modes, probably water cooled etc etc. That’s not what the Norton is about, but that’s what he was expecting cos in this instance he didn’t really do his homework.

He was maybe expecting a bit of character, but with the same turbine smooth power delivery of a water cooled thruxton (et al) in his mind. He’s probably not aware that he’s riding an air-cooled parallel twin, push rod, 2 valver - making comparisons with the Kawasaki which says it all. He hints at the heritage, old school, authentic, more visceral riding experience but doesn’t really make the connection.

This is a real shame, because the Missenden Flyer has quite a following!
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Well this review has really been bothering me. I really like my 961cr and it makes me so happy when I go out on it and I could sit and look at it all day but what if I have been wrong all this time? How can I take such pleasure in riding such a BAD BIKE? So I retreated to my man-cave (actually I call it that to sound hip it's really the downstairs toilet) with a lovely warm beer and I came to a stunning conclusion;

'We don't all like the same things'

Yep I'm thinking of publishing a thesis on this one if I've got enough toilet paper. And suddenly I don't feel wrong and stupid for liking something that someone else doesn't quite so much and it no longer bothers me. Beyond hard facts like fuel consumption, weight and seat height it's interesting in a review to see what is important in the reviewer's motorcycling life compared to mine but that's all a review is. For anyone like me who's early life was when dinosaurs roamed the Earth the same principle applied to HIFI reviews which were even more personal and subjective. So there we go. I'm off now to make a few fridge magnets. Tally Ho.
Well after reading that one I thought, need to take mine for a spin. Doesn't sound like he's talking about the same bike. Looks the same, sounds the same but here's my 2 penneth;
Takes a bit to warm up, ticks over high at 1500rpm and lumpy below 2 thousand. 2 - 3000, up to 50mph in 5th still a bit hesitant but after about 5 mile and out of town she comes alive between 4-6 thousand and flies! Across the Moors, twisty and hilly and back via fast A roads and I am still buzzing! Gears sweet, vibration barely noticeable, noise? who cares. I've been riding the same 40/50 mile loop for nearly 50 years on bikes from a 250 Suzuki through a R3, the real one, on to big KS fro H2 to GPZ9R, Bonnevilles new and old and a couple of street scramblers and I can say without hesitation that, some were a bit hairier yes, but all enjoyed immensely despite their foibles.
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Why do people care what another person’s opinion of a product is?
His views are of his. Of course ours will be different, we own one.
He doesn’t own one.

I don’t like inline 4 cylinders. Others praise them.
My opinion shouldn’t bother or offend others. Just as his views or opinions should not bother us.
Why do people care what another person’s opinion of a product is?
His views are of his. Of course ours will be different, we own one.
He doesn’t own one.

I don’t like inline 4 cylinders. Others praise them.
My opinion shouldn’t bother or offend others. Just as his views or opinions should not bother us.
Well, I'm offended you don't like inline 4's! 😂
Irrespective of the reasons why… that’s a big chunk of cash saving for anyone actually thinking about buying one.

Although… that doesn’t appear to be anyone on here…!

I did actually think about one. But the deficiencies with mine, and with what I’ve read with others, mean my confidence level is very low. Seems to me that substantial engineering changes were required, and sadly, as discussed elsewhere, Norton have done nothing to provide confidence that such changes have been made.

So it’s a case of ‘once bitten, twice shy’ for me.
I would buy one just to see what, if anything, has really changed and why. Then how to apply that to the "early years"