Some more progress has been made at last!
The original carbs were in remarkably good nick, so any notions of changing for a better setup couldn't be justified on the grounds of replacing worn-out components. The slides are still a good fit in the bodies, so all that was needed was to replace the nasty nylon float needles with Viton-tipped brass numbers...much better for keeping the fuel on the inside.
New banjo bolts and fuel pipe got the job done. I've held off from putting the pilot and tickover adjuster screws in as I need to order some extended ones which make adjustment without a screwdriver possible...I'm down to the last few oddments which need to be ordered, so I'm waiting until I've got a worthwhile order together.
I got a Trispark ignition from LP Williams - 20 minutes ride from here on the Devil's Bridge road and very convenient, not to mention being on the most popular Biking road in the Northwest.
The wiring is pretty much done, and just needs a little tidying once I've got the headsteady properly adjusted. This has to be the messiest wiring job I've ever seen on a production bike!
A set of TT100s have been fitted to the wheels, and after some serious deliberation, I decided to have a go at salvaging the original mudguards, which were both in pretty bad shape - this is the best shot I have pre-restoration
They both came out OK after a lot of beating, filing and polishing, and I'm pretty happy with them - I'll get a decent photo once I can get the bike outside (soon!!!)
The front brake master cylinder got an RGM re-sleeve and a braided hose. It feels very much like a proper brake should, so it'll be interesting to see how it performs.
The main reason the bike is taking so long is the weather. It's just been so sodding cold and miserable I haven't dared lifting a spray gun since I did the frame, but at last things are warming up
Today I'm in the middle of doing the metalflake blue paintwork, and it's a character-building experience!
I'd previously thought my character was well and truly built, but it seems there's more required :roll:
This is what it looks like so far...
It's fun really. I mean Really. Honest.
More soon - I hope...