72 750 Combat Roadster project

I’m suffering from coil envy.
I hear you - AN is great but they don’t offer much SS bling. Norvil has a bit but RGM May have the most . I lucked out on the coil brackets - didn’t know they would be as nice .
If you aren’t going to be happy with what you have order some from RGM & sell off what you have .
Looking at the OldBritts tail lamp it earths through the attachment screws.

72 750 Combat Roadster project

If it's this type then its probably the same if there's no earth wire?
72 750 Combat Roadster project
I’m a stutter step behind Richard on my build and my original 1972 tail light only has two wires, neither red. The bulb holder has a thin wire grounding to the attachment screw plate inside the housing. I assume that this grounds through the rear fender. Should I just blank off the harness wires other than the two corresponding wires? Richard - can you post a closer picture of your podtronic rr installation? I’ve been struggling to find a good location and yours is clean.
I made a jumper with ring terminal to go around bolt holding light unit to aluminum casting and other end plugs into ground at harness. I will take closer pic of Podtronics install tomorrow and post it here.
As requested here are some details of Podtronics mount - piece of stainless bent up and bolted through using central fender bolt . Note that ears of bracket are unequal to offset unit away from oil tank .
72 750 Combat Roadster project

72 750 Combat Roadster project

72 750 Combat Roadster project
The holidays and the unfortunate necessity of earning a living have interrupted progress a bit - Nothing worth posting pictures.
I started work on the handle bar area . Disassembled , cleaned and went through switch gear - all seems in order . Ordered new bars but they had too much pullback for my tastes so I have reordered a different set which have yet to arrive. Footrest brackets , gear lever , kickstart , footbrake pedal and headlamp shell off to be replated.
I am planning on making a fiberglass cowl for the Corbin seat hump and painting to match the tank. My Corbin seat came through with a pointed tail detail on the hump which I never really liked - a little too Harleyesque for my tastes and which also interfered with the cowl plan so I have ordered a new one .
I looked into having Corbin recover it - the cost was more than half the price of a new one and by the time I paid for shipping from the right coast to the left and back again I was nearly at the cost of a new one so the smart money was on purchasing another and selling off the original.
I’ll get some pics up when the new set of bars arrives and I get them and their attendant gear mounted up .
Happy New Year to all and my thoughts are with our mates down under facing the horrendous wildfires - hope all will come through unscathed. - RT
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Just got my parts back from the plater and need to give them wholehearted recommendation.
Super Chrome in Asbury Park NJ - this was my first experience with them and I am delighted .
They did a beautiful job at the price quoted ( which I thought was very reasonable ) and completed the work a week early .
72 750 Combat Roadster project

All the more delighted when I compare to my previous experience with another plating shop -the stuff of nightmares ...
Looks to me like you already cleared the bar with the rest of the bike, unless the engine blows up...

Knock on wood!
You aren't going to be able to take that one on the road with the commoners... It'll be covered with drool which could also affect your vision leading to an accident..... Best keep it in the living room and look at it... That's right toss the tube and put the bike in the place of honor. As a matter of fact you'll be saving lives of fellow drivers by preventing all that mayhem with the shiny distraction.

Keep up the good work.
It will get dirt and oil on it if you ride it. My ‘72 roadster rebuilt in 1998 with 37,000 miles since still shines.


  • 72 750 Combat Roadster project
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Those have always fascinated me..... I would ride the wheels off it anyway though just because I've torn my backend down this morning to do the wheel bearings before they do me..... Do like ES2's though... Joe want.