2030 fossil fuel ban costs in the UK

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It does seem implausible that residents of Oxford should be confined to a 15 minute area to stop global warming/climate change or whatever the next title will be when according to Google the biggest polluters are
India ????? Very odd
It does seem implausible that residents of Oxford should be confined to a 15 minute area to stop global warming/climate change or whatever the next title will be when according to Google the biggest polluters are
India ????? Very odd
Simples! Large motorcycles! Filthy things....
Totally agree and totally impractical..the Woke regional council in my city have had empty busses driving aimlessly around for years with obscure tinted glasses to try and hide the empty seats..now they got a few empty electric ones...I can see the benefit in a big city for office workers or general passengers...but thats about it....and they are still empty
Same shit here.
These mad arse woke climate population control functions these twats are trying to implement no doubt will spread everywhere....so the only way to sort this madness out is to get involved in your community for starters....Firstly school boards review the curriculum and if its woke rubbish..take them over with sensible smart folk and get rid of the sh*t they are teaching our children...by gathering community support and to gain momentum.
Secondly the local councils ...with community support put a team of candidates together as one like minded policy driven consortium...may require a election process or the use of a pitch forks to turf the current climate emergency driven councilors OUT !!
This sh*t needs to be curtailed by "we the people"...or it will spread like wildfire...
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I'm hoping for all our sakes it's fake
But the way things are going nothing surprises me
This shit needs nipping in the bud and Im seeing alot of journalists writing about this particular subject area in England at present
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The plans being suggested for Oxford seem quite totalitarian, looks like 'student union' politix have escaped into the real world...

The daft thing is that Oxford is expanding quite dramtically, there are hundreds (thousands?) of new builds along the A40 northern bypass, and in the towns nearby. So more people = more traffic.
That Oxfordshire story is trumped up. The real story is about limiting peoples ability to travel through Oxford itself, and they’ve made out it applies to Oxfordshire, which is not true AT THE MOMENT.

The danger of course is that these type of people never stop, nothing is ever ‘enough’. Oxford today and tomorrow the world !!
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That Oxfordshire story is trumpets up. The real story is about limiting peoples ability to travel through Oxford itself, and they’ve made out it applies to Oxfordshire, which is not true AT THE MOMENT.

The danger of course is that these type of people never stop, nothing is ever ‘enough’. Oxford today and tomorrow the world !!
This is their Twitter account and based on the reactions of my perception is they ain't popular ..the 2024 climate emergency stuff seems possibly like fluff ....at this stage ...the same crazy council stuff is happening down here as well


  • 2030 fossil fuel ban costs in the UK
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  • 2030 fossil fuel ban costs in the UK
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That Oxfordshire story is trumpets up. The real story is about limiting peoples ability to travel through Oxford itself, and they’ve made out it applies to Oxfordshire, which is not true AT THE MOMENT.

The danger of course is that these type of people never stop, nothing is ever ‘enough’. Oxford today and tomorrow the world !!
The agenda is getting pushed harder and harder to stop the average person from having personal transport
In the modern society it's the few that wants to control the majority
The agenda is getting pushed harder and harder to stop the average person from having personal transport
In the modern society it's the few that wants to control the majority
They certainly don't do themselves any favors putting sh*t out like this back in 2020...starting to sound like me 🤣
I'm not sure what point you are making?

When were all of these roads first laid down? Most everywhere in horse and buggy days.

All told, there were 7.5 million cars in the U.S. as of 1922.

By 1929 there were more than 150,000 on the road in New Zealand, one car for every 10 people. Second only to the US (1:5, 24.4M cars and ahead of Australia (1:15, 430,000 cars) and Britain (1:47, 973,000 cars).

There are about 1.446 billion vehicles on Earth in 2022. About 19% of those vehicles are in the United States.

America's airline industry expanded from carrying only 6,000 passengers in 1929 to 674 million passengers in 2021.

In 2021, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the estimated number of scheduled passengers boarded by the global airline industry amounted to just over 2.2 billion people. This represents a 50 percent loss in global air passenger traffic compared to 2019.

Something has to give.
I'm still wondering what this means?
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