Oh great!!!!Get yer wallets out, kiddies!
Roll out congestion charges nationwide, bus operators tell ministers
Congestion charge zones urgently need to be widely implemented in towns and cities to meet climate change goals, ministers have been told. A £7 daily charge, imposed on motorists across parts of the country, is being proposed by bus operators.uk.news.yahoo.com
Cars in cities are a nuisance as is lorry's, trucks , etcCars in cities are a nuisance.
I own three cars and 3 motorcycles and I live in a city.
It's ridiculous and completely stupid, but I cannot help myself.
So I am moving to the countryside in April.
Nice headline, but the article also saysGLOBAL WARMING IS REAL....ONLY PROBLEM IS ITS GETTING COLDER
In the UK public transport services have been severely cut backCongestion pricing encourages participation in alternatives, thus enabling said alternatives to expand their services.
Clearly the status quo needs changing.
REALLY? Please cite something more substantive than a meme.NASA just recently, very quietly, admitted that the Ice Mass Balance in the Arctic is Increasing, Not decreasing as they previously stated.
So much for the Ice disappearing from the Poles.