2014 INOA Rally in Ashland

Back from the rally. Had a great time. Here is my 19 year old daughter Hannah on my old MK3 on one of our rides. It was her first time on a Norton. She put close to 400 miles on the bike during the rally.

2014 INOA Rally in Ashland

Here is a like to the rally album. Jim

http://s658.photobucket.com/user/comnoz ... ent&page=1
Thanks for sharing all the great pics for those of us that couldn't make it.

I understand next year is near Asheville NC, so I have no excuse to be there :D
Good job with your rally photos...I saw my 1950 ES2 a couple of times, once with me along side of it and you're right...I'm older than that damn bike. And you got a shot of the Mike Patrick championship desert sled and Berliner advertising poster too. Glad you noticed!

Here's a link to my Rally photos: https://mymotolife.shutterfly.com/7195 Enjoy.

Thanks for posting.


Jerry Kaplan
Davis, CA
The group shot didnt go well. (The INOA one) It was annoucnced but wasnt on the printed schedule. You would have had to been at the BBQ on one of the nights and actually paying attention to know about it,. Many people were either not there or paying attention. I only found out about it from Ken Armann asked me to stay. But a lot of people wandered off or didnt know. Even while they were taking pictures people wandered off before they were done.
No where is the term "Herding cats" more appropriate. I think there was an award for 100% chapter participation and it was fun to give the guys from the Manitoba chapter ribbing about it since 100% of their chapter attended and happily hoisted their banner at the group photo.

ALL 2 of them.

They COULDA done a Access Norton photo,,,,,, there was a few people there. Jim Comstock, Ken Carnaga, Me, Dave F (Mister Swoosh)
probably would have been hard to corral us at the same time............ "Look! A Squirrell!" "OOoooooH, Shiny things!"
LOL someone posted the group photo and it looked like a really small group. I was wondering what happened. The cats refused to be herded! :)
debby said:
The cats refused to be herded!
That pretty much summed up the rally.

2 ways to look at it in my view , #1 is Norton owners tend to be strong willed and very independant, or #2 Norton Owners can be expected to be highly dysfunctional Either way, I expected the above and wasnt disappointed.
I got there late (Dysfunctional) and the whole time had a hard time getting any information and couldnt find anyone to pay my rally fees until the last day of the rally. Its good practice when the possibility of your schedule getting all FUBAR (and it happens, no shame in that) that its a good idea to post a central Info center. A really big dry erase board, or a 8x10 sheet of plywood to post UPDATED info for schedules, FAQ, Locations of rally organizers and where they will be and at what times plus perhaps a picture of "This is what i look like"
and notes for attendees such as "Tech session rescheduled and will be at Sams campsite to get his bike running". Unike most rallys I have attended the locations of attendees were spread out over a great distance and even other campgrounds several miles away.

But its worth noting as well, Even a bad day at a Motorcycle rally sure beats the hell out of sitting in a cubicle at your day job right?
Got home from the rally last night. After leaving Ashland, my wife and I rode around Oregon and Idaho for a week, then she flew home from SLC and I rode back via 2 lanes in Colorado, Kansas, etc. to Ohio. Mine is the silver Interstate with the Craven luggage in Dave's pictures. The bike ran great, 814 miles yesterday.
I thought the rally was just OK as rallies go...not organized and too spread out, geographically speaking. Last year in Wyoming was more tight knit, and people could congregate easily together. Just my 2 cents!
It was still great to see some old pals that live out that way and the scenery was nice as well. Time to clean up the old girl and spoon on a fresh tire. At 4,800 miles from LA and around, then home, the rear is toast!