The group shot didnt go well. (The INOA one) It was annoucnced but wasnt on the printed schedule. You would have had to been at the BBQ on one of the nights and actually paying attention to know about it,. Many people were either not there or paying attention. I only found out about it from Ken Armann asked me to stay. But a lot of people wandered off or didnt know. Even while they were taking pictures people wandered off before they were done.
No where is the term "Herding cats" more appropriate. I think there was an award for 100% chapter participation and it was fun to give the guys from the Manitoba chapter ribbing about it since 100% of their chapter attended and happily hoisted their banner at the group photo.
ALL 2 of them.
They COULDA done a Access Norton photo,,,,,, there was a few people there. Jim Comstock, Ken Carnaga, Me, Dave F (Mister Swoosh)
probably would have been hard to corral us at the same time............ "Look! A Squirrell!" "OOoooooH, Shiny things!"