1975 Commando 850 restoration

More progress. Degreased, washed, dried with compressed air and primed my frame. 1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration
Is this a good choice for a carb for my bike? Mikuni VM 34-168 It appears to be the same as what came with the bike but I'm not sure. 1975 Commando 850 restoration
I have just about everything ready for the polisher except my gearbox cover. I am planning to change out the layshaft bearing and need to know if I need the cover to do so. If not, to the polishers it all goes. Thanks for all the help.
Is this a good choice for a carb for my bike? Mikuni VM 34-168 It appears to be the same as what came with the bike but I'm not sure. View attachment 17566

There is debate, Mikuni will give you easy start and reliability but lack some of the top end vs dual carbs. Search the forum and you can get lost in Mikuni-Amal threads.

My bike came with an ancient Mikuni, I use it and it works well if not a bit rich. I have tried all sorts of jetting, slide combos and consider mine a work in progress. For now it gets me down the road fine.

If it's what you've got, mount it up and see if you like it, if you don't, try the Amals. Now you have 3 carbs to yell at.
There is debate, Mikuni will give you easy start and reliability but lack some of the top end vs dual carbs. Search the forum and you can get lost in Mikuni-Amal threads.
My dad said the same thing, you lose a little on the top end but everything else will be good. Plus I think it’ll be easier and cheaper one vs. two.
Opened up my gearbox today to replace the layshaft bearing. Everything looks real good as far as I can see. No chipped or worn gears and no chunks floating around. Kickstart pawl looks good too. I played hell getting the layshaft out. Had to heat the back of the case with a heat gun for quite some time and then it wiggled out like a loose tooth bringing the bearing with it. Cleaned up everything and called it a night. Any tips for getting that bearing off?1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration
Got the bearing off with a bearing splitter as gortnipper suggested. Thanks. New bearing installed and gearbox assembled. Progress! I think the bearing I removed is one of those bad ones.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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Haven't had much time to work on the bike lately because I've been doing a lot of overtime at work. Tons of side work also. Gotta make that money to spend on the bike!

Items to send to the polisher. Am I missing anything?


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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Polish them yourself.
I would polish them myself if I thought I could do an acceptable job. Fortunately I know my limitations so off to the polishers they go. I’m going to get new rims and my rotors blanchered ground so it’s got to come apart anyway.
Your photo catalogue is really comprehensive. It's cool being able to follow your progress visually as well.
Don't lapse on your photo records...you won't believe what a great reference it is on reassembly and years later.
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