uneven idle

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Bernhard said:
yasser_fernandez said:
sorry can you tell this again in a more basic english?

Is there a way I could cover mines with teflon?

Maybe meltin some tetlon and inserting the slide in?

Sorry but I really don't know how Yamaha do it.

All I can tell you is that is how they come over the counter /in the bike, as standard.
So it must be possible to coat the slides with Teflon, provided you have enough clearance in the carb body to do it.

I forgot to mention that the carbs that I have on my 350 lc are YPVS Powerjet carbs, from the model just before the YPVS went out of production.
hobot said:
Amal slides and bores get beat up and ground down from both the engine vibes and the inhaling pulses till air gap too wide and worn to a fluted grooved condition > no known recovery from w/o new items. My new set of 32 mm Amals only lasted about 7000 miles before flutes and fast idle appeared. Don't know of a coating that would last long but sure temped to try some layers of baked on paint that gas don't dissolve. If painted faked off no big deal its soft and combustable so nothing bad to try it but maybe the slide sticking open so need kill button to save. Carb body bores can get out of round too so might try light tapping around slide bore with slide inside to crimp tighter, for a while. My long term solution was the new anodized hardened slides with one number lower cut out, ie: #3.5 to a #3 to help compensate for the worn bores and it did, plus a bit more low throttle response to boot. In the rest of the world we can send carbs to be resleeved with new hardened surfaced slides that apparently solves for decades. The zinc pot metal is poor to have chrome plated or over metals as was found out the hard way by engines inhaling the big flakes to chew up and spit out.

Running without an air filter didn’t help matters, there are carb reclaimers in the UK and elsewhere, where they reline the body & slides of old obsolete carbs
hobot thank you very much!!!

I will try painting!!!!

Maybe a research about the resistance of some kind of painting should be made before trying.. But yes, I am on the way...



Guess that with ACCESS NORTON I will make my norton THE BEST EVER!!!

Thank you Access Norton!

Thank you all for sharing your knowledge!!
Good on you Hobot ,hope it works at least for a while longer than grease. I have spare set Mikuni 32 mm carbs with all fixings less air filters ...too bad no way to deliver.
Last I heard the US doesn't have postal service with Cuba.
Hm hobot was out of the parts sending loop but T-man Ed is now sticking his big noise in forum business so who knows. I think parts get sent to another country first or paid for then sent from a non-US vender. We'll pow pow soon and see what's brewing. I ain't a US citizen and got a case sent to State Department now about getting diplomatic type travel documents so I may not come under the War Emergency treaties and policy and may be able to send direct.
yasser_fernandez said:
sorry can you tell this again in a more basic english?

Is there a way I could cover mines with teflon?

Maybe meltin some tetlon and inserting the slide in?

PTFE (Teflon®) needs to be applied under controlled conditions. You can't just melt it and dip your slides in it.

Proper part preparation and controlled conditions are nessesary to get a proper bond. Most metal parts use a Teflon® Impregnation process that links the Teflon® to the metal similar to anodizing of aluminum.

There are teflon sprays, but the bond is not very good and they won't last long.

I don't think paint will work because of surface friction.
hobot said:
Hm hobot was out of the parts sending loop but T-man Ed is now sticking his big noise in forum business so who knows. I think parts get sent to another country first or paid for then sent from a non-US vender. We'll pow pow soon and see what's brewing. I ain't a US citizen and got a case sent to State Department now about getting diplomatic type travel documents so I may not come under the War Emergency treaties and policy and may be able to send direct.

Good luck with that, tell us how it goes.
If you get free tickets that mention Guantanamo Bay anywhere, think twice. !
Have you tried to just obtain new slides for these. ?
UK will post to Cuba ?? Not very expensive.
Just doing this can be quite an improvement, short of getting them bored and sleeved and new slides.
Forget about yamahahaha items, some Amal types are made with anodising though, helps prevent wear.
Motorcycling is my fantasy relief and suffering but my real life is rather wilder and seemingly riskier yet, but actually way more planted on solid tested ground. I have the standing/status of a Foreign Sovereign State, one at peace with the U.S. so not under the stanchions of U.S. citizens and other subjects of Corporate National Democracies. SW Bell had to reprogram their whole new regional 'puter system to accommodate little ole me. Oh sure they balked at first but their legal department made em. Five yrs ago AR STATE professional board tried to trick me into a fictional status US citizen, going all the way back to my elementary school records trying to nail me down, hehe > oppsiepoo, now all the Doctor licenses come printed with upper and lower case Name Name, like our mommies taught us, instead of past all caps, NAME NAME style, such as found on ships and grave stones and ugh driver/operator licenses. AR STATE is just a mere subdivision of the conquering U.S. Inc. so just some Administrative formalities left to get documented for International relations. United States is a foreign state to me and already got them doing my will and wishes domestically. Who knows maybe we can ease Cuba relations over vintage Nortons like ping pong opened up China. Best 'shine in the whole wide world is a type of rum made from this ...

uneven idle

uneven idle

uneven idle
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