1956 Model 99

Richard Tool

Aug 3, 2019
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Hi all - new thread here for new project. I bought this Wideline Dommie approximately 15 years ago when money and enthusiasm were more abundant. I have decided to chip away at it . I am largely retired now with a limited income - while money and enthusiasm are not what they used to be,
time is more available. I drove 9 hours to get it and only then did I discover, among other things , several broken fins on the cylinders. I bought it regardless as it had a clear title and I had come a long way .
My interest has returned a bit thanks to a tip from Access Norton member
t ingermanson who alerted me to a set of barrels on eBay UK . Cylinders for dynamo Dominators are rare and so I placed bid and won . They are en route to me now so I’ve begun to explore what I have and what I may need . I haven’t really looked it over for several years but I am at least doing that
much . My plan is to get a loosely assembled rolling chassis in epoxy primer first then explore the engine / gearbox internals .

This is likely to be a slow and spotty effort as money becomes available but it’s a start.
1956 Model 99

1956 Model 99

Thanks for looking in .
First success on a difficult operation - successfully removed swingarm pivot stud . Took a 10 ton arbor press with pneumatic impact function but it drifted it right out . Now on to removal of the bushes themselves - a real fun picnic so I am told …
It looks as though you have not really started to build the bike. Once you really begin to assemble it, the job becomes much easier. Every step you take usually leads to the next one. The sense of achievement is important. If you have the engine plates, the job is usually just nuts and bolts.
Looks like you have the correct headlight shell. Those are hard to find being a 2 year only item.
Yes - a while back I sent you some info regarding it when you were looking for one . Are you going to put some pics up of your project in your blog ? Anxious to see it .
Thx for posting this thread. I really like the shape of that year gas tank. looks just right to my eyes. Again, thx for taking the time to start this thread, will be looking forward to your progress. Cj
Hi all - new thread here for new project. I bought this Wideline Dommie approximately 15 years ago when money and enthusiasm were more abundant. I have decided to chip away at it . I am largely retired now with a limited income - while money and enthusiasm are not what they used to be,
time is more available. I drove 9 hours to get it and only then did I discover, among other things , several broken fins on the cylinders. I bought it regardless as it had a clear title and I had come a long way .
My interest has returned a bit thanks to a tip from Access Norton member
t ingermanson who alerted me to a set of barrels on eBay UK . Cylinders for dynamo Dominators are rare and so I placed bid and won . They are en route to me now so I’ve begun to explore what I have and what I may need . I haven’t really looked it over for several years but I am at least doing that
much . My plan is to get a loosely assembled rolling chassis in epoxy primer first then explore the engine / gearbox internals .

This is likely to be a slow and spotty effort as money becomes available but it’s a start.
View attachment 116809
View attachment 116810
Thanks for looking in .
Nice project Rich, good luck with it. If you ever need a second set of hands give me a shout. I can sit there and point at stuff as good as the next guy.
A bit of low budget progress - holes in frame welded up as well as deep scar in frame loop tube from a slack final drive chain back in the long ago .
1956 Model 99

Silent block bushes pressed out - went better than
expected thanks to having a socket with O.D. slightly smaller than I.D. of cross tube and access to arbor press . Welds dressed by hand with files and frame and swingarm paint stripped.
1956 Model 99

1956 Model 99

Above pieces now awaiting media blast . Will be using 2 part epoxy primer in rattle can for the first time. Once activated it must be used within 48 hours so I will need to have a number of parts ready yet still not too many as surface rust will occur rapidly after blasting.
1956 Model 99

And in the not so good news my cylinders arrived from the UK .
Small chip in the top spigot of one cylinder. There is sill a bit standing above the surface - about the thickness of the head gasket hopefully. Looking for opinions on this - will it still seal ok ?
Plenty of engines have plain head to block mating with no spigot.
All opinions welcome- fingers crossed.
1956 Model 99

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Cheers. RT
Been working on the Domi making slow progress. Went to mount the tank badges that the previous owner had gotten. The pad that goes under the badge wasn't there and the screws were to short. I made the pad using an old computer mouse pad. I had ordered longer replacement screws that turned out to be the wrong size. I thought they were 2BA screws but they could be either 3BA or 4BA according to RGM. RGM used to supply the hold down strap and pad for the gas tank. not anymore.


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  • 1956 Model 99
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  • 1956 Model 99
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Chassis components media blasted and primed with 2 part epoxy in rattle can. My first time using it and it worked beautifully.
I will be ordering the tab located on top front cross tube that ties into head steady from Andover shortly . When it arrives the paint in the area will be removed , engine temporarily mounted along with head steady to locate tab and then tab welded in place .
Along with the tab I’ll be ordering the silent block bushes for swing arm and lots of internals for the forks . I have the forks disassembled and have begun to clean the components.
Unfortunately the stanchions are trashed so new ones will be part of the order .$$$
1956 Model 99

Found this dresser at the curb - shortened the legs and added casters and now have a nice work stand that will serve for a while .
The drawers serve well for storage as I complete various components.
Thanks for looking - RT
Some progress has been made - more tinware stripped of paint and bead blasted. Roadholder forks disassembled and cleaned -
Stanchions are junk . Sliders and damper valve bodies clogged with tar like/cement / mud . I made a tank out of PVC pipe and over a period of several weeks soaked in kerosene (paraffin) and scraped / soaked / scraped . Quite a chore but it is done .

One headlamp ear was in pretty bad shape but found another on E bay . They and the lower covers that join them had some dents and ovality. I turned a piece of aluminum to the appropriate diameter and was able to return them to round by using hose clamps around the aluminum turning.


One of the fork bridge studs was broken off in one slider and of course the easy out screw extractor broke off in the broken stud .
Several hours of tedious grinding with many small Dremel stone bits and got all out but not without enlarging the hole a little .
Helicoil to the rescue and likely some JB Weld as well.
The tool tray had a split in one side that I had welded up and very pleased with the work .
1956 Model 99

Lastly, the first of many parts arrived - new Reynolds’s type steering damper from Norvil.
Thanks for looking.