Large Crank Drain Mod

robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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Okay - here's one for the truly anally retentive....

I have just bought one of those nice ss large drain plugs from Eurotrash - the one with the smaller magnetic plug in the centre.

I have read about the top clip coming out - then it and the washer are then free to roam about inside the cases. And of some folk who solder the clip to the washer to prevent that scenario.
It has been a nagging thought for me - but I want to remove the washer and screen occasionally for cleaning.
So I have made a fix which achieves those goals - using:
* M3 x 10 button head screw and nyloc nut
* plain M4 nut
* 2.5mm drill and M3 tap
* superglue
Drill & tap the washer - screw & superglue the buttonhead in place - assemble.
The M4 nut is a snug fit between the tangs so there is no way the clip can come out.
A picture is worth a thousand words so here's 2000!
Cheers (...and I'll go back to my corner now)

I did solder mine on race bike but didn't bother on my street bike. You could unsolder it easy enough if necessary but I found you could clean it out with brakeclean and an airhose no issues.
I have never heard of the stock c-clip falling out. If this particular aftermarket version is prone to fail, wouldn't the best strategy be to find another supplier. I see some are made in Taiwan vs England.
If you were keen to bodge the one you own, a flat cut c-clip that fits in the groove would be a better engineered solution.
Or make your own like I did. Drill and tap the large nut. And drill and loctite a supermagnet in a bolt.
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I replaced the wire circlip with a Seegar type circlip with the edge thinned down to fit the groove, far more secure. In a clients engine after removing the barrels and finding the rods and underside of the pistons looking like they had been shot blasted with shrapnel I took the plug out, found the washer missing, then found the washer in three bits in the gauze... Never found the circlip, Maybe the PO never fitted it? Original 1973 plug.
I replaced the wire circlip with a Seegar type circlip with the edge thinned down to fit the groove, far more secure. In a clients engine after removing the barrels and finding the rods and underside of the pistons looking like they had been shot blasted with shrapnel I took the plug out, found the washer missing, then found the washer in three bits in the gauze... Never found the circlip, Maybe the PO never fitted it? Original 1973 plug.
Thanks for that info. Sounds like it may never have had the circlip fitted.
I've run Norton twins for forty odd years & never had a clip come out. Maybe I'm just lucky?
Yep - it might just be over-thinking.
But after you hear a couple of horror stories you think - maybe...
I'm going to do that mod to my 650ss too even if some see it as an over-complication. Heath Robinson - who the f#@$ was he anyway?
(might fit an anti-sump valve too ;) ;) ;) )
Yep - it might just be over-thinking.
But after you hear a couple of horror stories you think - maybe...
I'm going to do that mod to my 650ss too even if some see it as an over-complication. Heath Robinson - who the f#@$ was he anyway?
(might fit an anti-sump valve too ;) ;) ;) )
Why not fit a JS Motorsports or NYC reed valve. That would stop your worry and improve things is a single move.
Well, you asked…

For many years I lived a mile or three from that place and didnt know it existed until it was featured in a Michael Portillo train journey programme. May need to go back for a visit.

On topic, I bought one of the AN extended filter plugs with a central magnetic drain plug. Havent fitted it yet, but next oil change time....
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I've never had a problem with the spring clip coming out . Mick Hemmings just ensures the clip is fully home with a pair of small channel locks.
I am looking at one of the new A-N 06.7281 Magnetic sump crankcase filter kit units which will go in shortly.

oh btw 10 ft lbs max torque on that nut and buy the copper crush washers by the half dozen as they are a one shot deal for the seal. ;)
Just a question. Has anyone with the magnetic version of the big sump plug ever caught anything big enough to cause any problem? I ask because the screen mesh is quite small, and it seems to me that anything that gets through it would not hurt the oil pump and would be caught by the oil filter (assuming you have one).

Of course, the other purpose is to have a drain plug that that doesn't have any effect on the case threads so I'm not against them by any means.
I've never had anything of concern on the magnet. As you say, the benefit is not wearing the thread in the engine case.