As a current owner of a tab any tips? Mine arrives today
A few Kev - some bleedin’ obvious, some less so.
- They are hand made and beautiful, but expect irregularities; they grow on you.
- Follow the instructions and rinse the interior thoroughly. There may well be debris from manufacture. Mine was significant.
- Fit and ride to test for leaks before you fit any decals or have any painting done.
- Your choice to replace the FP seal. Mine was in ‘as new’ condition so I reused it without difficulty.
- TAB advised no sealant required for fitting the FP, so I did not; others advocate its use.
- Careful, even and accurate application of torque to the FP mounting bolts.
- Ensure you have the right setup for the rear rubber tank strap (compression limiters/washers).
- Some tank irregularity around the dipstick frame tube can make the tank appear to sit unevenly - off centre. Front mounting bolts (rubber mounted) can be used to correct this slightly if required (and anal enough!).
- No need to compress those front rubber mounts too far - there’s no guidance on this so use your judgement.
- Some form of tank pad required from the outset (I used 3M clear PPF). Tank scratches up at the mere whiff of a zipper!
- Genuine Monza caps can leak. I never brim mine at the fuel pump. Others may have different experiences.
- There are a couple of decals available in the resources area.
- Keep er’ clean, she scratches easily. The polish most are using is Mothers Mag and Ally polish. I’ve also had good results with these other two. Liquid Reflection if you want somewhere to practice your ‘Colgate Smile’ and conversation extraction technique - needed as you’ll get even more attention than usual!
