Fastback advice

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Jan 5, 2023
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I'm considering buying a 68 Fastback that has supposedly been restored w/ a top end rebuild. The paint and chrome appear to be nice w/ fiberglass tank supposedly lined, Atlas exhausts/twin Amals. My question regards the existing points ignition- I've been told that it's located behind the cylinder tuck ed away. Can this be upgraded to electric and relocated to the area where the tach drive exists? Can the existing tach be replaced to an electronic unit? Any other Fastback buying advice appreciated. I wanted to post the rebuild sheet and pics but unable to attach it from my desktop. Thank you
Anythings Possable !


A MAGNETO ( Hunt whatever ). Would be the inteligent move .
Tho theres Elec thingos togo in stock location / s .

CASE isnt the same , tho cam possitioned ign is possable . WHY BOTHER .

If your going to ride it , a BIGGER OIL TANK if its the square undercover one ,
The Big Side tank scalded legs in Aus. so was dropped . Its the best , apart from legs .

Carbs are a joke , as is the air cleaner . So All custom underseats not a bad idea .

Though most people live with it . Se the frames not warped dinged , twisted . Theyre LIGHT .

Anything other than a KROBER is sub par . So people even fit japanese rubbish to them .
Like the rear wheel, which isnt a bad idea . Honda 750 cush drive , apparently .

Probly SMITHS , would be round Elec tachs , wot go in stock ole .
Fastback advice

WHAT YOU WANT is a " IMPULSE " Tachometer , like V D O etc etc . KROBER was the hot item in 70s F - 750 racing . Being One . Instantaeous accurate .

This is more like it . that theres a Krober , and a saner oil supply . They Need More Oil , but maybe the first tank was the biggest ? .

Fastback advice

Fastback advice

Lots of leeway for cunning swine to INCREASE the Volume Considerably , cut'n'shut etc .

Theres some fancy pants stuff here ; to get you in the swing . Or put you off entirely .
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I'm considering buying a 68 Fastback that has supposedly been restored w/ a top end rebuild. The paint and chrome appear to be nice w/ fiberglass tank supposedly lined, Atlas exhausts/twin Amals. My question regards the existing points ignition- I've been told that it's located behind the cylinder tuck ed away. Can this be upgraded to electric and relocated to the area where the tach drive exists? Can the existing tach be replaced to an electronic unit? Any other Fastback buying advice appreciated. I wanted to post the rebuild sheet and pics but unable to attach it from my desktop. Thank you
You can put a Boyer in the original distributor if you can't deal with the OEM dual point set up. Just build as stock a MC as you can, it will cost less to do and be worth the most when done. If you can get the bike to run good, it's a good bike, and a first-year machine.
Talking about Magneto's

Fastback advice

All the sprockets swapped tracks , the inners rear on yours / the fronts inner on front points set ups .
So the pedastels vary . for the tensioner . Out with the disc grinder !

Fastback advice

Er , The CORRECT Ilustration ! is like below , 68 PII , Atals , First Commandos .

Fastback advice

Points were cheap crappy things so cheapskates could replace expensive MAGNETOS , which are what youre best LOOKING AT .
No , you can't realistically relocate the rear behind barrels points cover situation to the later models ignition area near the tach drive . That said , I'm sure someone will disagree .
Yes , you can upgrade both instruments to Electronic and do away with mechanical and cables .
Ask the seller about the layshaft bearing upgrade too .
Good luck .
You can put a Boyer in the original distributor if you can't deal with the OEM dual point set up. Just build as stock a MC as you can, it will cost less to do and be worth the most when done. If you can get the bike to run good, it's a good bike, and a first-year machine.
Yes , simply put a Boyer in that space . Don't move the location .
There are reports on the forum of lined glassfibre tanks eventually failing, due to ethanol. If you can't avoid ethanol, investigate if a replacement steel tank is available?
ally tanks can be got from UK, at a price. Has it got the first frame, without the extra strut over the engine?
Can you get someone with plenty of experience to look it over thoroughly before committing? Whereabouts are you /bike approx?
I'm considering buying a 68 Fastback that has supposedly been restored w/ a top end rebuild.

My question regards the existing points ignition- I've been told that it's located behind the cylinder tuck ed away. Can this be upgraded to electric and relocated to the area where the tach drive exists?

As it has been restored then do you know for certain that it still has its original points ignition?

It should be as easy to convert the Commando 20M3 engine (points housing behind the cylinders) to electronic and far easier than attempting to convert the 20M3 engine to 20M3S (camshaft points) specification because as well as the number of parts it would require to do the modification (20M3S timing cover, camshaft, etc.) it would also involve a complete engine stripdown to fit the 20M3S camshaft.

Any other Fastback buying advice appreciated.

If it's an early '1968' Fastback then it could still have an unmodified 'Widowmaker' frame.

I wanted to post the rebuild sheet and pics but unable to attach it from my desktop.

You must either upgrade to VIP membership or use an image hosting website to embed images in posts.
I like the look of the fastback and if I had an opportunity to buy one at a reasonable price I certainly would. Over time I would replace the fiberglass tank with a steel or aluminum one because eventually it will leak.

The conversion to electronic ignition is easy. A Boyer or Pazon will fit right into the early commando distributor body, set it once and forget it. I removed the magneto from my 65 Atlas, put in an early Commando distributor fitted with a Boyer. Because it had a magneto, I had to do extra things you wouldn't have to do (ie: change the wiring, put the timing sprocket into the cam change & mount ignition coils). I don't know if the early Fastback has the ability to be timed with a strobe so you may need to do it with a timing disk which is not a big deal.

Other than considering the widow maker frame issue the only other thing I would suggest doing at the same time is to consider reviewing and/or upgrading you charging system. Because I don't enjoy being stranded on the side of the road one of the first things I do when I buy an old bike is to replace the wiring harness if it hasn't already been done.
I'm considering buying a 68 Fastback that has supposedly been restored w/ a top end rebuild. The paint and chrome appear to be nice w/ fiberglass tank supposedly lined, Atlas exhausts/twin Amals. My question regards the existing points ignition- I've been told that it's located behind the cylinder tuck ed away. Can this be upgraded to electric and relocated to the area where the tach drive exists? Can the existing tach be replaced to an electronic unit? Any other Fastback buying advice appreciated. I wanted to post the rebuild sheet and pics but unable to attach it from my desktop. Thank you
So far others have suggested about 5 k in "up grades", Too rich for my blood and my bikes. I doubt that anyone could do most of them easily.
I installed a Pazon ignition in mine and have never had an issue with the ignition. The frame was modified years ago with the later frame brace and you should make sure that has been done, and if not make sure the frame isn't broken. The tank in the photo has never been lined and I've only used non-ethanol gas and there hasn't been a problem and it also has the green tank and tail section but it needs to be painted. I also have an aluminum tank which I sourced from India, it did have a very minor gas weep but it's been fixed. You should consider re-wiring the bike which is pretty simple and I also installed Amal Premiers which are way better than the original carbs. Usually a couple of kicks to get it started and the plugs always look perfect. I also had Bucannans lace up a set of wheels as shown because the original rims were in bad shape.
Fastback advice
I installed a Pazon ignition in mine and have never had an issue with the ignition. The frame was modified years ago with the later frame brace and you should make sure that has been done, and if not make sure the frame isn't broken. The tank in the photo has never been lined and I've only used non-ethanol gas and there hasn't been a problem and it also has the green tank and tail section but it needs to be painted. I also have an aluminum tank which I sourced from India, it did have a very minor gas weep but it's been fixed. You should consider re-wiring the bike which is pretty simple and I also installed Amal Premiers which are way better than the original carbs. Usually a couple of kicks to get it started and the plugs always look perfect. I also had Bucannans lace up a set of wheels as shown because the original rims were in bad shape.
Fastback advice
Looks GREAT!!!!
I also have a '68 Fastback, bought in '71 and never heard of the frame issue until it split on the backbone. Fortunately found a welding shop who put on a sleeve patch over the crack and been fine ever since.

On Ignition one reason to move points from original location is gas drips from the carbs have been known to set bikes on fire.
I installed a Boyer unity probably 40 years ago and no problems starts and runs just fine.
If yor're thinking of replacing the fibreglass thank wiht steell be very wary of Indian repros. I wanted to get a steel tank with the recess to install the Norton Villiers badge as in original builds.

Found a tank great price, free delivery fit is good to the bike but then discovered that the recess is 1/2" too small. I checked with all of the India tank makers and all have a recess that is too small. Even asked one place to make me a tank wiht correct size r3ecess and never had a response.

Nice tank so will fill in the recess and keep on going.
If you use an electronic ignition you will need a plain sprocket. The magneto you have now has an auto advance unit. Store the magneto with the Auto advance together.
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