Broken bones - How are you doing?

Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
I was wondering how messed up we all are. I have broken a few bones in my time. I am 60 years old now and osteoarthritis is kicking in. How many bones have you broke? If you broke same bone twice that counts as 2. Here is mine:

Broke 3 times.
1 -Playing rugby in England.
2 -Hit a tree face first, trying to make a Royal Enfield 250cc do things its not designed to do.
3 -Defending myself I had to take broke nose.

1 -4 ribs on left side, tripped on dog toy and crashed into a pine coffee table. Vino related.
2 -2 ribs on right from Royal Enfield tree accident.

Right Hand:
1 - Smashed first finger to bits and broke it, when metal boat hatch fell on it.
2 - Second finger stamped on with rugby boot and metal stud broke it.
3 - Second finger defending myself (pub fight).

Left Hand:
1 - Thumb, closed in hinge of a car door.
2 - First finger got caught in Suzuki chain and chopped the end off.
3 - Second finger got caught in Suzuki chain and chopped the end off.
4 - Thumb, smashed with club hammer while getting wheel bearings out (missed).

Lower back:
1 - Hit Ford Capri at high speed while riding 750 Commando. Broke vertebrae.

Right Knee:
1 - Broke it during 750 Commando accident.
2 - Broke it again, was swept across a sailboat (130 ft) by a huge sail and smashed it to bits on a metal thing.

Right Ankle:
1 - Smashed by a hard hockey ball
2 - Jumping ditch on a Yamaha DT 175, landed wrong. Compound break.
3 - Carrying a baby a missed a step and had to do a rapid twist, compound break.
4 - on the piss related, uneven pavement.

19 breaks total, possibly more.

I think that's all the bones I broke. Arthritis is worst in my back and ankle.
What are you all taking and doing to ease the arthritis? I try not to take anything, but every now and then take over the counter pain meds. I go to acupuncture and it really helps.

I thought this would be an interesting topic. Post your bone breaking story. I think Yves will win maybe?

Cheers, Jerry
Collarbones (Clavicles)- Left twice, right once.
Ribs - Almost all of them.
Pelvis - Once.
Thumbs - Once each.
Left arm and wrist - Once

All in road racing crashes except left collarbone (fell off truck lift gate while moving) and left thumb (punching a guy in a fist fight).

And yes, some of them are a bit arthritic now.

Broken nose .... hit in the face by a basketball .... nothing glorious about it. Went back into the game when the bleeding stopped.

Broken tibia and fibula. Ran off the road with the Atlas, and got launched when the bike abruptly stopped in the sugar like soil that is in the high Sierras. Speedometer was stuck on 16 mph.

That's all folks!

Despite those who (used to) say you can't get highsided from a Commando, my last highside meant a 15 minute sleep on the track, 23 fractures and a dislocated thumb. Had the bones "welded" and was back at work in 10 days. Collarbone in 4 pieces, 8 ribs both front and back (so 16 fractures), shoulder blade , 3 crushed vertebrae, and a few internal bits. That brought my racing career total to over 70.... mostly ribs (all of them at least twice) collarbones ( 5 left, 4 right) both shoulderblades , sternum, vertebrae, wrist and a few internal bits along the way
You guys have had a lot! I'm still relatively young, so maybe I can cram more in. Thus far:

Broken left clavicle, accompanied with an AC separation (got the stomach flu the next day -- magnitudes worse than the fracture!)
Handful of ribs
Both wrists, left a couple times
Right femur -- broke the ball off at the hip
Right knee cap
Right pinky toe -- this one was worse than it sounds and was a real PITA

Everything has been on a bicycle and only soft tissue injuries (many, many) from motorbikes. No motorbike racing, so I think that limits the exposure to the extreme events.

What I'm most concerned about is the concussions. Rung my bell many, many times, some with unconsciousness, some with only memory loss, some with temporary vision loss, etc. Those apparently seem to compound. Not looking forward to those effects.
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Christ you blokes have had it bad !!!
I've fractured my left knee cap
I've fractured my jaw
And damaged my 5th vertibrae
All in motorcycle accidents plus many cuts bruises and road rash but that's about it
I consider myself very lucky!!
What I'm most concerned about is the concussions. Rung my bell many, many times, some with unconsciousness, some with only memory loss, some with temporary vision loss, etc. Those apparently seem to compound. Not looking forward to those effects.
I have recently had a retina issue and after (briefly) explaining my history of head trauma issues (for a host of reasons) the conclusion was that they may have cumulatively contributed to my issue. I think and hope the issue is now fixed, but I’ll remain susceptible to repeats. It seems our misspent youths do require payback in later life !
Damn Jerry!

Foot playing basketball in HS
Finger in a ski crash on ice
Tibia skiing
Ribs playing kickball while tripping (yes, that kind)
Kneecap mountain biking
Collarbone in a Norton crash
Forgot a chipped elbow from a fall on icy cobbles protecting my Leica

Most of my aches are soft tissue damage related. Frozen shoulder, no cartilage in my L hip and little in the knees, torn labrum, Dupetruyn's in my hands. Nothing I have tried has really helped except ibuprofen, and that is shittybfor you so I try and avoid it. Long hot showers...
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I have recently had a retina issue and after (briefly) explaining my history of head trauma issues (for a host of reasons) the conclusion was that they may have cumulatively contributed to my issue. I think and hope the issue is now fixed, but I’ll remain susceptible to repeats. It seems our misspent youths do require payback in later life !
Well, at least I'm looking forward to blaming my head injuries for all kinds of deviant behavior as I get older!
I have been lucky without broken bones most of my life 55 years old before my first broken bone when the Norton spat me over the handle bars on a first gear emergency stop, a broken left thumb and a very very small fracture to my elbow, but I have had 3 knee injuries in my life time first was at 17 run over by a car on my trials bike and another accident on my old Triumph back in 84 then again in 85 jumping off a fence each time laid up for 4 months.
But after the slow speed throw over the bars was when I decided to replace my whole front brake system while recovering with modern brakes, best investment I have ever made.
In my younger days I been down a lot of times riding dirt bikes and my road bikes pushing them way to hard but have always come out pretty good with minor cuts and bruise, so touch wood I will hopefully stay this way, been a long time since I been down.
Well, let's see... Left middle finger from a rope swing on an old oak tree in the woods (we used to read Tarzan paperbacks and would act out accordingly, hey it was junior high)....Right collar bone when I was 13. I'd been sick with Bronchitis and couldn't ride my Yamaha 100 dirt bike for about 2 weeks. Finally persuaded my Mom to let me out. I was on a trail beside a gully near our house that I'd ridden it many times before. Just as I was catching 3rd gear, my front end disappeared, there had been some rain that caused a wash out of the trail since the last time I'd ridden it. Some tall grass conspired to hide it from sight too. Anyway I went flying and landed on my right shoulder. 6 weeks in a brace pulling my shoulders backwards fixed it. Broken nose a few times in fights at school. Left wrist skateboarding in '78: , we'd tie a rope to the rear bumper of my Dad's 1969 Mustang, and he'd pull us around the empty K-mart parking lot on Sunday afternoons. This particular time, I just swung too wide and wiped out. Left knee in a bicycle wreck: , it was pouring with rain and I had no business being out on my bicycle, but the girl I was going steady with at the time,(Margo,) said we could make out because her parents were away for the weekend, (how could I pass up an opportunity like that) never did get to 3rd base with her though. Broke my right ankle stepping off a curb (and unknowingly, directly into a pothole) it twisted my foot inwards, a split second before all of my weight came down on it, (it was really dark out... okay). More recently I fell off a UH-60 maintenance stand at work and tore my right rotator cuff and bicep tendons, I'm still dealing with getting that one repaired.
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68 and only one I know of is tip of my right pinky ( fracture ) when hit by a car on my Commando In September of this year . I have had three falls from roofs or ladders during my carpentry career and walked ( limped ) away from all of them .
I had a table saw kick back injury that put a 1” square piece of white oak into my right forearm opening up a flap of tissue 4” long all the way to the bone . It didn’t break the bone but crushed two tendons requiring surgical repair and 6 months of hand therapy to regain use of my right hand . I am right handed . 40 + years of loyalty to my employer and he starts calling me while in therapy and insinuating I am milking it . The ER staff said it was reminiscent of a gunshot wound they had recently treated from a .45 . While my right arm was immobilized to allow the tendons to heal I got a frozen shoulder requiring more therapy that was worse than the hand therapy.