After returning to New Zealand when my father passed away ( left when I was 19 ,returned unintentionally at 50 )
I had to visit the local doctors with my book of problems.(introduction letter from docs in Germany)
The head doctor said to me after one look ,and I quote "your fucked" .
Have broken everything from my head down to my toes , luckily not my neck though.
Bit he same as Jerry ,
Can't remember all but,
1 1/2 years old tripped and kissed concrete steps lost all of my top row of teeth,had to have the roots surgically removed.(was never allowed to smile for photos as a kid !)
4 years old fell off a hay trailer ,hairline skull fracture .
Normal growing up breaks in school, 6 years old broken arm playing bull rush .
Broken collar bone playing rugby . broken nose etc.
Then was a teenager ,motorcross broken hands, feet, collar bones,arms
And ribs.
Got beaten up by mongrel mob prospects ( nz street gang) , walking home alone at night broke my hand defending myself and gotl a sound kicking ,( six broken ribs) and had my leather jacket stolen .
Then came road bikes, and a few offs high sides low sides general things, broken arms ,collar bones,feet,and legs ( back when drink driving was aright of passage and not a crime 8) ),
Then put my hand in the wrong place at work ( Steel rack) again broken thumb fingers and bones.
Then was " work" as a stunt man in a travelling show,
Again arms ,legs and shoulder.
Got attacked by Nazi skin heads in east Germany for speaking English ( four broken bones in my left hand )and 10 stiches in my head from being hit with a beer glass.
Got hit by a car crossing the road in Berlin, Skull fracture and lower leg was 90deg in the wrong direction is also now 20mm shorter.
My last good one was slipping on ice and falling down a stalir well with no guard rails ,sober .Fell 2mtrs with a straight leg
Broke my heel in 8 pieces and a bad ankle break .
Spent 10months in hospital ,had a bone infection,(morbus sudeck)
Spent two years on crutches.
Suffer now from extreme arthritis.have had doctors wanting to weld my ankle together,to maybe minimize pain
Have had to take opiates.
Also have ranauds syndrome in my hands
Not getting any better only getting worse. Have very limited movement in my left foot, also one of the reasons I have to ride a right hand gear change.
There's more but I've got writers cramp.