Solenoid getting old.

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I opened mine, sanded over the connectors, and put it all back together.
It worked perfectly. No problem.
Yup I did that too , seeing as there were no rivets, just undid the bolts'n' nuts and sanded down the burnt contacts.
BUT... the tiny ground wire (soldered) ? to the top plate , broke off at the plate itself. Seeing as I have new now I put it in a ziplock for someone else to repair after I'm dead n' gone.
A friend showed me a solenoid trick if it ever fails on the side of the road. Simply use a screwdriver as a bridge to lay across the 2 big terminals to complete the circuit enough to crank over the engine , (with Ign. on).
I found a Ford part that is a direct bolt-on, EBay,

New Starter Solenoid Relay Switch 3-Terminal for Ford SW1533 1693479C91 66-202, $23.19 USD​

The Walridge one and the Amazon one are one in the same. Slghtly smaller than the Prestolite one.
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