Centre stand-Side stand

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Aug 5, 2017
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Hi Gents
Would someone be able to provide me a fairly close up picture of the left side commando taken with both side stand & centre stand up (in the riding position) ... i need to gauge the resting positions of them both where & they both sit in relation to one another.

Thank you
Hi Gents
Would someone be able to provide me a fairly close up picture of the left side commando taken with both side stand & centre stand up (in the riding position) ... i need to gauge the resting positions of them both where & they both sit in relation to one another.

Thank you

If this question is in relation to your new welded cross member fouling the drain plug,
here is a photo from Old Britts that may help with the correct re-placement.

Centre stand-Side stand
The plan is to leave the X brace where is and modify it to clear the plug.... as the side stand is about 5omm rearward than it should be my question relates to, will two stands touch?? so a photo of them in the riding position would be really good
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Would someone be able to provide me a fairly close up picture of the left side commando taken with both side stand & centre stand up (in the riding position)

Centre stand-Side stand

Time Warp said in the "Setback" thread:
1971 750 about 95 mm from the front frame Iso mount centre to the back of the cross member, about 125 mm for the same on my 1974 850.

My Mk3's frame is approximately 6"/150mm from 'Iso. mount centre to back of cross member':
Centre stand-Side stand
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Many thank Gents.
The new cross brace come with no hole drilled for the return spring to locate into, can some one give me a photo of where the hole should be drilled??

Many thanks
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