New bike in my life


Jul 11, 2010
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Well I been thinking about its for some time and now have gone through with it, on Monday I took a Triumph Thruxton R for a test ride the dealer has a new 2016 Thruxton S that they have dropped the price by $2,500 it has had a fairing kit installed the same colour Compertion Green so I asled what deal they could do for me paying cash, well they dropped the price by another $1,000, so $3500 off the orginal price not bad, picking it up in 2 hours time.
I am selling my 2013 Thruxton privately as it has to many up grades to the suspension and other little tricks, I am sure it will sell quickly as its still looks new and has been well looked after it has given me 40k trouble free miles and I will miss it dearly but I am sure more power and a extra gear will be better on my long trips I do.
My Norton and Norton project bike will be put on the back burner for a while but hey I can live with that, we only live once and only here for a short time, but at 59 I still got a lot of miles ahead of me and I am loving every minute of it and even better no longer working enjoying my early retirement, life is great in the sun shine state of Queensland.

Picked it up and went for a short ride done about 50 ks before the heat of the day started to cook my brains, we are having a very hot and humid summer here at the moment, to hot for a full leather jacket and even the leather vest is hot to ride with.
So far its been great but have to get use to the clipons, the wrisk are all good but its the neck and shouders that will have to get use to it, other than that just love the way it takes off already got it booked in for the first service, also have to get use to all the bells and whisles, traction control, ABS, 3 riding moads, so far have only got it in road moad till its run in, it handles pretty good so far been taking it easy with the new rubber till I get to really throw it around, but have gone through a few tight corners where I had to look back to see I did go through them, this bike feels so light but with lots of grunt.
I got to go and pick up the orginal handle bars and head light brakets as I am not sure about doing long distant rides set up with clip ons but then it's early days, the first 1,000 ks will be the test, so far very happy with it.

Ashley, I see you have the low clip-ons on there now.I missed that detail on the other forum.
I think the stock bars will make the neck problem go away completely. That extra 2 or 3 inches of height makes all the difference.
The stock bars work without a hitch on the R with fairing. On the Standard you might have to make a small alteration to the Mc mount, others have mentioned this.

Did you get it past the department of war before or after the purchase Ash?
"After" means you got the bike but maybe some other things too?
Hey Rob, made it past the department of war lol, the war lord knows the bikes come first, just been spending a few days getting the old Thruxton ready for sale, cleaning and polishing it has come up better than new, its been so hot here to be out riding so am planning to clock up a few miles tonight when things cool down and getting up early in the morning for a ride before it gets to hot.
Its booked in for the first service on Thursday only need to clock up 800ks but it won't take me long to do that normally clock up 400ks on our Sunday rides and have one planned this weekend.

Ashley, I see you have the low clip-ons on there now.I missed that detail on the other forum.
I think the stock bars will make the neck problem go away completely. That extra 2 or 3 inches of height makes all the difference.
The stock bars work without a hitch on the R with fairing. On the Standard you might have to make a small alteration to the Mc mount, others have mentioned this.


Hi Glen, I am sure it will be better but been back to the shop to get the stock gear but so far they can't find them the person who set it up has been away for a few days, but they are there somewhere.
Its like any new bike you have to get use to them before making any judgement, will clock up a few miles this weekend and next week and see how I go.

Well I have pics but not being a VIP member unable to down load or up load lol we have been having a heat wave here at the moment but took it out this morning at 6am and did a 350 ks ride 3 hrs pushing it hard getting use to it and so far am very happy with it, no arm problems no shoulder problems and no real problems with the neck, so very happy with the way it handles and have had the tyres over to their edge a few times and having so much grunt, can't wait to get use to it LOLs.

Was going to go out again early this morning before it gets to hot but having a few to many beers yesterday has stuffed that up and at 7am it already 32c and its going to hit over 38c today, bloody north eastly winds, when our winds change back to south eastly things will cool back down, I will see how it is tonight and go for a night ride.
Thanks all for the kind words, this is one hell of a bike, controling the speed is the hardest thing to do on this and yesterday there was so many motorcycle cops on the roads, but was good once on the back roads.

Once you complete the break-in and have the full powerband it will be better yet. What RPM are you limited to?

Some 60-80 top gear roll on numbers from Sport Rider and Cycle World.

06 Sprint 1050- 4.44 seconds

05 Honda RC51 4.21

05 Daytona 955i 4.05

2010 Aprilia RSV4 R 3.30

2007 Ducati 1098 S 3.11

Triumph Thruxton R 3.0 seconds.
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Well out again today and had one of the best days ever left home at 8am went over some of my favorite roads, not just one or two but a few more, 400ks plus over some of the best twisty and mountian range roads around, pushed it hard and only stopped once for fuel and later for a drink, got home about 1pm, I have been keeping the revs to around 4,000 rpms but a few times went to 5,000 rpms, I am not pussy footing this the main thing is not to labour it, I have done this with all my new bikes and have always got long life out of them.
This bike is so good and have cranked it over pretty hard, the rear shocks have given me a bit of a scare lifting the rear wheel a few times but putting the Ikons on will fix that, I finaly put it in sports mode coming over one of the best road around for short straights and some high speed corners to very tight corners, have quick response on the throttle and I can tell you I had the front wheel off the tar a few times.
I had so much fun today on this bike, the tyres are gripping great and it feel so light on the handling, now what sport system will I go for???

Ashley, there is a break in procedure in the owners manual giving rpm limits at mileage intervals. Even though it was excruciating at times, I followed it.
Did the dealership mention this?

I noticed at the big 1200 Thruxton roll out in Spain the Journos all had new bikes with ten miles or so. No one followed the break in, no fun in that, they revved them to the redline immediately. Wonder where those bikes went?

Hi Glen, I did read the owners manual so all good there the first ride I did take it easy and did the right thing, yesterdays ride I took it to the next level and gave it a few squrts on the throttle here and there but kept it mostly around 4,000 rpms, the most important thing is not to labour them or keeping them on the same revs, even on the highway speed limits the revs are just over 3,000 rpms, to many cops around and being school holidays demerit points are doubled if caught speeding and now so many speed cameras, they are even hiding them in old cars they even now have long range speed cameras that will get you even before you see them. I did 3 month suspension 15 months ago and not being able to ride the bikes nearly killed me trapped at home but I did catch up on a few jobs that I put off when normally I be out on the bikes, so some good did come of it lol.

Had its first service yesterday clocked up over 850 ks in 3 rides I am still running it in but can now give it a few blast up to the limiter but I don't think I be going that far with the throttle but thats what the book says to do, just to many cops around with school holidays on but the holidays are over next week and things will go back to normal and no double demert points if I get done for speeding, the last few days the temp has been a lot cooler but today back up to 32c and this weekend will be even higher.
This Sunday we have our group ride with mates I have been riding together for over 45 years now, I leave home at 5am to meet up with them at 6am and it be after 2 or 3 before I get back home, so probaly be about a 450ks ride with a few stops inbetween, like a big breaky somewhere and few stops for a chat here and there, this is our first run for the year together, but I know my Harley riding mates won't be with us they can't handle the way we ride hard or the places we ride, I think they are a bunch of girls and yet they keep saying how good their Harlies are, I call them soft cocks which upsets them, I buy a bike to ride not to ride somewhere stop and brag how good their Harlies are and only clock up a 100ks, to me thats a short ride to the shops and they keep asking me why I didn't buy a Harley.

Went for our first Sunday ride with a few mates yesterday, one of the mates brought a new 900 Triumph Speed Cub the same day I got my Thruxton, hes not real happy with the dealership he brought it off he payed $900 less than I payed for the 1200 Thruxton, this is his first Triumph and first twin shock bike in 20 years and they gave him a bad trade in on his old bike and his new Speed Cub is old stock.
Have clocked up over 1200ks now and less than 300ks for full run in and the Thruxton is running sweet.
Nearly got done for speeding we were coming down a mountain range stuck behine 2 cars one towing a ski boat I got past them but the mates got left behind got down the bottom and went past a side road when I notice a car come out of the side road in front of the cars that I got past, these mirrows on the Thruxton are great so I decided to slow down so my mates could catch up, the car that came out of the side road caught up to me pretty qiuck I was sitting on 80ks in a 100ks limit and behold was a highway pusuit car that over took me, further down the road they had turned around with red and blue lights frashing chasing a speeding car.
