New bike insurance.

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Hello guys!
I just purchased a 2016 Commando 961 SF. I live in Michigan and my insurance broker is having a hard time giving me insurance because the VIN number along with the make (Norton) does not show up in the progressive insurance data base. Anyone in the Michigan area give me an idea where to start?
Thanks Scott.
That's odd , I have Progressive and I had no issues. Is it the New 2016 year then that's the problem ? I have a 2014 , (delivered DEC 2014) and no problems.
TonyA said:
That's odd , I have Progressive and I had no issues. Is it the New 2016 year then that's the problem ? I have a 2014 , (delivered DEC 2014) and no problems.
Yes sir it's a 2016. My agent ran the vin number and still no showing. She keeps saying the vin number is invalid. When I look on they show every make of bike except Norton.
BritTwit said:
I have Progressive insurance on my 2013 CR too, no problems with the VIN.
I have literally contacted 6 insurance companies and only one (Allstate) shown a listing for a 2016 commando SF. All the others refused to insure the bike. I even called Hagerty and they said its to new. I guess I'm gonna have to use Allstate. They quoted me $642.00 a year and I can keep fire and theft on it during the winter which will cut it in half to $341.00
BritTwit said:
I have Progressive insurance on my 2013 CR too, no problems with the VIN.
I have literally contacted 6 insurance companies and only one (Allstate) shown a listing for a 2016 commando SF. All the others refused to insure the bike. I even called Hagerty and they said its to new. I guess I'm gonna have to use Allstate. They quoted me $642.00 a year and I can keep fire and theft on it during the winter which will cut it in half to $341.00

They all told me the reason why they can't insure it is because Norton doesn't provide them with a list of vin numbers to fill their system.
I have Allstate. My bikes a 13. So new at the time, its classified as a classic. Only paying 190 with fire, theft, collision and towing. And that's in NY !
I went through SafeCo and it was $65 a month

I do have all my other insurance through them.

Hagerty will not insure the bike. They told me they don't want to insure anything newer than 95 or some shit like that? I just went to my old standard SafeCo. If you need help maybe my insurance agent can help you, but not sure if you can use someone in a different state?
I just purchased a 2015 961SE with 183 miles on it from an owner in California.
I have six other motorcycles with Progressive insurance so I tried to add it to the policy.
I tried to self service it with the web application and they do not even have Norton in the drop down list of makes.
I called and talked to a representative at Progressive and was told the 2015 Commando SE I just purchased was uninsurable by them.

I turned to Dairyland insurance, online, as they specialize in motorcycles.
Again, Norton is not in their list of makes and when I put it in as "other" as soon as I entered the VIN, it popped a screen with "we do not insure unacceptable vehicles"

What a punch in the gut!

I spoke with the gentleman I purchased the bike from and he suggested that he is insured with Foremost insurance on this bike.

I went online and at least Foremost has a listing for Norton as a make, and Commando 961SE came up as a model, but it would not quote me comprehensive and collision online, so I had to call them.
That was yesterday.
The representative I talked to took my number and said he would get back to me.
I still have not heard.

This bike has never been in any accident and has a clear original title.

Oh, by the way, I have been riding many years, no tickets in last fifteen years, no accidents since 1980! Paid cash for the bike and have good credit.

If this is because of something Norton has or has not done for the insurance underwriters, I wish they would get it together and fix the situation! I really do not want to become my own insurance underwriter for this bike, and I really would like to be able to ride it legally once I get it delivered from California to Oklahoma.
I worked for BMW motorcycle when the all new S1000RR came out. Allstate was the only company that would insure an unknown model. Their initial rates were vey low as they didn't have any historical data to base the rate structure on. They still offer competitive rates on weird off beat motorcycles. Give 'em a try. My buddy was even able to get his Bimota insured through Allstate. When I moved from rural Washington State to an over 55 community in Arizona my rates from Hagerty on my '73 850 doubled . No reason other then my new zip code was in a "bad" area. Must be all of the golf carts and slow moving Buicks driving the rates up. 80 year olds are well known bad asses. Allstate insured my bike for the same rate that I'd been paying in WA. I switched my other more mainstream bikes over also. They had the same or better rates than Progressive.