Motorcycle lift table

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I have 5 Fords, two Nortons and a Kawasaki. And a work table made by a skilled, well-paid American craftsman-me. If you read my posts carefully, you'll see I mention HF lifts by name and other lifts that cost more. No advocacy, just information. Also mentioned used commercial lifts. My buddy, whose Harley I mainain and keep in tires wants to buy me a HF lift so we don't have to use his platform jack. More than likely, I will build a metal hydraulic lift before i buy one, HF or anything else.
It's not all that difficult to find a used Handy lift for near the price of a Harbor Freight one. I, too, understand being economically limited.
Maybe you should read the part of my post suggesting exactly that.
Or maybe you should just keep on ranting. Your Chinese-made computer can probably stand the pressure.
I'm fully aware this forum has no geographical boundaries. As far as I know, Harbor Freight is only in America, so I assumed the person suggesting a Harbor Freight lift was posting from America. Therefore, being an American, I support buying an American made product over that of one made in China. Same as I would support my own family before that of any other.

I, too, enjoy the nonpolitical aspect of this forum. But it seriously chaps my ass to have an American(s) suggest buying an inferior Chinese product over that of a much better American made product.
One ?; Why do you keep trolling me and not those who actually OWN HF lifts and recommend them?
When asking about a good lift table I never expected the heated discussion that would ensue over foreign trade -- some of which has been fair (mostly in another age) and some of which has been down right piratical. And please understand, the heat of the discussion does not bother me at all. We all know I own a Norton. I've always loved them (and the Vincent HRD, by the way) and I am far more partisan about these things than most anybody I know. I must say I do own Chinese made computer equipment which is actually banned where I work for security reasons ('things' can be built into the hardware), but I'm reasonably sure the Norton is quite safe in that regard. I would be happy to discuss certain things offline, including the "Scrooge McDuck Theory of Wealth" which is not near as silly as it sounds. By the way, I have decided to buy Handy lift.
When asking about a good lift table I never expected the heated discussion that would ensue over foreign trade -- some of which has been fair (mostly in another age) and some of which has been down right piratical. And please understand, the heat of the discussion does not bother me at all. We all know I own a Norton. I've always loved them (and the Vincent HRD, by the way) and I am far more partisan about these things than most anybody I know. I must say I do own Chinese made computer equipment which is actually banned where I work for security reasons ('things' can be built into the hardware), but I'm reasonably sure the Norton is quite safe in that regard. I would be happy to discuss certain things offline, including the "Scrooge McDuck Theory of Wealth" which is not near as silly as it sounds. By the way, I have decided to buy Handy lift.

Good choice. You won’t regret that decision.

Owning a motorcycle, especially a Norton, is, for the most part, considered a hobby. Certatainly not an economic practicality. By extension a motorcycle lift is hobby related, therefore not an economic practicality.
Hi JimC,

While I agree with and admire your 'buy American' mentality, your delivery leaves a lot to be desired. Your apparent lack of understanding that not everyone has the funds to buy the best of everything and that if they cannot afford the best of everything then they do not deserve the object of their desire -in this case Norton's. Wow! Do you think that maybe you are on the wrong forum? I'm pretty sure that is not what this forum is about, but instead the encouragement of all to experience and own a Norton.
Does this mean that when I purchased my first Norton at age 18, I had no right to so, as I couldn't afford a Handy lift and full range of Snap-On tools? God forbid, I still don't have a lift, but after years of borrowing whitworth and AF tools I have only recently managed to collect a reasonable range of tools for myself. Geez, if I had to buy the Handy lift and all the tools first, I probably couldn't justify purchasing a similar Norton at current prices here. So I guess I'm not worthy of a Norton -oh well, too bad. As a Norton owner you can probably guess that I'm not much of a conformist.

Your Quote:
Owning a Norton, or any other motorcycle, is not mandatory. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

JimC -You seriously need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate your option on your fellow human beings.

Hopefully I will not see you on TV some time in the future, gunning down areas of underprivileged citizens just because they don't have much to live on and therefore in your eyes don't deserve anything -maybe not even the right to live?

And by the way, stop giving Danno a hard time.
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Hi JimC,

While I agree with and admire your 'buy American' mentality your delivery leaves a lot to be desired. Your apparent lack of understanding that not everyone has the funds to buy the best of everything and that if they cannot afford the best of everything then they do not deserve the object of their desire -in this case Norton's. Wow! Do you think that maybe you are on the wrong forum? I'm pretty sure that is not what this forum is about, but instead the encouragement of all to experience and own a Norton.
Does this mean that when I purchased my first Norton at age 18, I had no right to so, as I couldn't afford a Handy lift and full range of Snap-On tools? God forbid, I still don't have a lift, but after years of borrowing whitworth and AF tools I have only recently managed to collect a reasonable range of tools. Geez, if I had to by the Handy lift and all the tools first, I probably could justify purchasing a similar Norton at current prices here. So I guess I'm not worthy of a Norton -oh well, too bad. As a Norton owner you can probably guess that I'm not much of a conformist.

Your Quote:
Owning a Norton, or any other motorcycle, is not mandatory. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

JimC -You seriously need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate your option on your fellow human beings.

Hopefully I will not see you on TV some time in the future, gunning down areas of underprivileged citizens just because they don't have much to live on and therefore in your eyes don't deserve anything -maybe not even the right to live?

And by the way, stop giving Danno a hard time.

You present a very specious argument. If one has the funds to buy, care and feed a Norton, certainly a quality lift table is in reach. All I see posted by those who favor a Harbor Freight lift over a Handy lift are rationalizations, instead of admitting buying that Chinese made lift is contributing to the demise of the American labor base. And I think that sucks!

As for Danno, he was criticizing my posts. What should I say, " Thank you"?

I more than likely would be at the gates of rich enclaves with a pitchfork than gunning down poor folk.

You may not be much of a conformist, nor are you capable of presenting a logical argument.
I'll have to keep my eye out for one!

There were truck loads of Handy lifts for sale during and after the 2008 recession. In fact, Handy Industries went bankrupt in 2010. They are now owned by another company. Lot of motorcycle shops in my area went belly up. My neighbor and I each bought a Handy lift. I gave $300 for mine, IIRC. They probably fetch a bit more now. If you can wait there'll soon be another recession in the U.S.
Hi JimC,

While I agree with and admire your 'buy American' mentality, your delivery leaves a lot to be desired. Your apparent lack of understanding that not everyone has the funds to buy the best of everything and that if they cannot afford the best of everything then they do not deserve the object of their desire -in this case Norton's. Wow! Do you think that maybe you are on the wrong forum? I'm pretty sure that is not what this forum is about, but instead the encouragement of all to experience and own a Norton.
Does this mean that when I purchased my first Norton at age 18, I had no right to so, as I couldn't afford a Handy lift and full range of Snap-On tools? God forbid, I still don't have a lift, but after years of borrowing whitworth and AF tools I have only recently managed to collect a reasonable range of tools for myself. Geez, if I had to buy the Handy lift and all the tools first, I probably couldn't justify purchasing a similar Norton at current prices here. So I guess I'm not worthy of a Norton -oh well, too bad. As a Norton owner you can probably guess that I'm not much of a conformist.

Your Quote:
Owning a Norton, or any other motorcycle, is not mandatory. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

JimC -You seriously need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate your option on your fellow human beings.

Hopefully I will not see you on TV some time in the future, gunning down areas of underprivileged citizens just because they don't have much to live on and therefore in your eyes don't deserve anything -maybe not even the right to live?

And by the way, stop giving Danno a hard time.

No worries mate. I agree in principle with what Jim is saying, his logic's just a little skewed.
Harleys are fine American products produced by a well-paid, skilled labor force. They don't leak anymore and their owners get pretty good service from them. My buddy has an '07 Wide Glide with over 60,000 trouble-free miles which is pretty damn good for an air-cooled machine. So if you want to buy American and support American workers, you should be on a Harley. Unless you want an Indian.
No worries mate. I agree in principle with what Jim is saying, his logic's just a little skewed.
Harleys are fine American products produced by a well-paid, skilled labor force. They don't leak anymore and their owners get pretty good service from them. My buddy has an '07 Wide Glide with over 60,000 trouble-free miles which is pretty damn good for an air-cooled machine. So if you want to buy American and support American workers, you should be on a Harley. Unless you want an Indian.

Give it up, Danno. Comparing apples to axe handles does not make for a logical argument. No doubt, that is over your head, too.
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I was comparing air-cooled twins to air-cooled twins, American to British.
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