Hi JimC,
While I agree with and admire your 'buy American' mentality, your delivery leaves a lot to be desired. Your apparent lack of understanding that not everyone has the funds to buy the best of everything and that if they cannot afford the best of everything then they do not deserve the object of their desire -in this case Norton's. Wow! Do you think that maybe you are on the wrong forum? I'm pretty sure that is not what this forum is about, but instead the encouragement of all to experience and own a Norton.
Does this mean that when I purchased my first Norton at age 18, I had no right to so, as I couldn't afford a Handy lift and full range of Snap-On tools? God forbid, I still don't have a lift, but after years of borrowing whitworth and AF tools I have only recently managed to collect a reasonable range of tools for myself. Geez, if I had to buy the Handy lift and all the tools first, I probably couldn't justify purchasing a similar Norton at current prices here. So I guess I'm not worthy of a Norton -oh well, too bad. As a Norton owner you can probably guess that I'm not much of a conformist.
Your Quote:
Owning a Norton, or any other motorcycle, is not mandatory. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
JimC -You seriously need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate your option on your fellow human beings.
Hopefully I will not see you on TV some time in the future, gunning down areas of underprivileged citizens just because they don't have much to live on and therefore in your eyes don't deserve anything -maybe not even the right to live?
And by the way, stop giving Danno a hard time.