Motorcycle lift table

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If you live in China I guess the Chinese lift would be O.K. If you live elsewhere, not so good. Pretty hard to sue that Chinese manufacture if the lift should malfunction and say, crush your leg. And I'm quite certain Harbor Freight is pretty well lawyered up. If you live in the United States I would highly recommend the Handy lift. Made in Iowa and a far, far better product than that sold by Harbor Freight.

Remember, cheap is not always the least expensive.
If your first statement werre true, I'd be over at the Harley (or Indian, Victory Motus whatever) forum. That being said, I agree with buy American/buy local as much as possible. But I don't think i can sue Pa Norton if I wad it up, either. Pros need a good, sturdy lift, which the HF is borderline. But hobbyists sometimes can't afford the best and have to make do. My table is a plywood egg-crate stand that requires a ramp.
FWIW, here's my alternative suggestion to a big clunky lump of a lift. I've been using this little guy ever since I wrestled it away from my kids before they got too big to really fight back. Cheap and very portable, even did the national circuit a couple years. Easy on my knees and back, and just the right height for a bike. Not for sale.


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If your first statement werre true, I'd be over at the Harley (or Indian, Victory Motus whatever) forum. That being said, I agree with buy American/buy local as much as possible. But I don't think i can sue Pa Norton if I wad it up, either. Pros need a good, sturdy lift, which the HF is borderline. But hobbyists sometimes can't afford the best and have to make do. My table is a plywood egg-crate stand that requires a ramp.

Owning a Norton, or any other motorcycle, is not mandatory. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
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Harbor Freight lift for sure, plenty sturdy, I roll it in and out of the way with the bike on it all the time. Had 2 of them for years, I bolted a piece of 3/4" plywood on one and I use it to service my quad and riding mowers. Absolutely one of the best investments you will make, and will add a few years to your back!
Harbor Freight lift for sure, plenty sturdy, I roll it in and out of the way with the bike on it all the time. Had 2 of them for years, I bolted a piece of 3/4" plywood on one and I use it to service my quad and riding mowers. Absolutely one of the best investments you will make, and will add a few years to your back!
Did not know you could roll the lift around with the bike on it. If that's safe to do that's convenient. Was wondering if you could do that with the Handy model.
Did not know you could roll the lift around with the bike on it. If that's safe to do that's convenient. Was wondering if you could do that with the Handy model.
I have never tried that. Its hard enough to move around empty. They are pretty heavy
Owning a Norton, or any other motorcycle, is not mandatory. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

I run about 10-15,000 miles per year on two wheels, so not much time for the porch. Owning expensive tools and equipment is nice if you can afford it but it's not running with the big dogs. Or mandatory.
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I run about 10-15,000 miles per year on two wheels, so not much time for the porch. Owning expensive tools and equipment is nice if you can afford it but it's not running with the big dogs. Or mandatory.

I know of more than a few who regret buying Chinese made products. Of course, this realization didn’t occur until their job was shipped to China.

I’ll gladly pay more for a made in America product rather than a Chinese made POS. I feel good about helping to keep Americans working at a good paying job. Evidently you feel differently.
Ooh i can't wait till we move on to the whether to strap the bike on to the lift argument.......... again
Well, mention something that is not made in China today, 40 odd years ago we were lamenting that shipbuilding/electronics/car/ motorcycles were build in Japan, and today it's China, as long as the price we have to pay for these products is all important this trend will not reverse,
Wonder what will happen in the future when the living standard in China has improved, will the production of our stuff move to Africa ?

This said, over here (in the Netherlands) we can buy these Chinese made lifts for a reasonable price, I have seen them and the quality may not be professional grade, it certainly looks acceptable,and I would certainly buy one if I needed a lift today.
25 years ago these lifts were of course not available, and the lifts on the market at that time were priced way beyond my budget, and for that reason I built one myself, out of 40mm square steel sections and a hydraulic car jack, it is a sturdy piece of kit, and still works fine after all these years.
I know of more than a few who regret buying Chinese made products. Of course, this realization didn’t occur until their job was shipped to China.

I’ll gladly pay more for a made in America product rather than a Chinese made POS. I feel good about helping to keep Americans working at a good paying job. Evidently you feel differently.
I'd be willing to bet the computer you are posting these messages from was made in China. As I said before, if I had any compunction about foreign-made products, I'd be over at the Harley forum. Judging by the numbers of posters saying they have HF lifts (not me), I think you're arguing with the wrong person. You must feel horrible about all the American jobs lost due to the purchase of British-made motorcycles. Just think, if everyone had been buying Harleys all along there would be no "pos" British motorcycles leaking oil all over enthusiasts' garage floors and no forums like this for people to make these 'close the barn door after the cow escaped' arguments. And there'd be no Japanese motorcycles to prove what leaky pieces of shit American and British bikes were. What kind of Harley did you say you have? I hear they don't leak anymore.
One has to remember that this is an international forum about British bikes, and some of us non Americans could get a little tired of the America first kind of comments. I'm sure they weren't meant in that vein and I've always enjoyed the non political aspect of this forum.
One has to remember that this is an international forum about British bikes, and some of us non Americans could get a little tired of the America first kind of comments. I'm sure they weren't meant in that vein and I've always enjoyed the non political aspect of this forum.

I'm fully aware this forum has no geographical boundaries. As far as I know, Harbor Freight is only in America, so I assumed the person suggesting a Harbor Freight lift was posting from America. Therefore, being an American, I support buying an American made product over that of one made in China. Same as I would support my own family before that of any other.

I, too, enjoy the nonpolitical aspect of this forum. But it seriously chaps my ass to have an American(s) suggest buying an inferior Chinese product over that of a much better American made product.
Jim, still, it appears you're a bit quick out of the blocks to have a go at someone expressing their opinion.
That kind of post could lead to some withholding valuable views.
Evidently (maybe) you feel differently.
Jim, still, it appears you're a bit quick out of the blocks to have a go at someone expressing their opinion.
That kind of post could lead to some withholding valuable views.
Evidently (maybe) you feel differently.

I don't view suggesting a Harbor Freight lift over a Handy lift as expressing an opinion.
There are now a few made in China motorcycles available. How many of you favoring a Chinese lift own Chinese motorcycles? If you don't, why not? They are cheaper than motorcycles made elsewhere.
I really don't think that Danno suggested that anyone should buy Harbor Freight (check his post). He simply stated that everyone can't necessarily afford a Handy Lift - includes me too!
There are now a few made in China motorcycles available. How many of you favoring a Chinese lift own Chinese motorcycles? If you don't, why not? They are cheaper than motorcycles made elsewhere.

I really don't think that Danno suggested that anyone should buy Harbor Freight (check his post). He simply stated that everyone can't necessarily afford a Handy Lift - includes me too!

It's not all that difficult to find a used Handy lift for near the price of a Harbor Freight one. I, too, understand being economically limited. I prefer a Corvette, but I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
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