The theory says that an hour of anestia requires a month of convlascence.
In my case I underwent six hours of operation, so the recovery will last six months.
I'm starting to believe this theory is correct; my health is improving from week to week, it is barely noticeable every week, but since my operation on July 13 I have come a good part of the way. I do everything I did before, slow down but I do it, I cook, I do the shopping, I drive in the car and I work an hour every day for an hour in the workshop. What I can't do is smoke, what a joy.
Last week, a Dutch journalist came to do a report on my work and on the Matchless in particular, Bruno was in charge of testing the machine, some more details to be fine-tuned and it will be perfect.
I still haven't driven the Seeley, I hope to do it on Sunday,
The only thing holding me back is the condition of my leg which is not improving, soon three years since Calimity Jane destroyed me.
The phoenix
International rally for classic motor bikes and cafe racers
September 25 from 2 p.m.
RNV nautical club
57, westvaartdijk, Vilvoorde.
Free entry
Live band
Food and drinks
The meeting place for motorcycle and Jet-Ski legends big and small
Election of the three most beautiful machines.
Exhibition of old racing machines
Why the Phoenix:
This is my nickname given by a friend: the phoenix is a mythical bird which died by fire, but which resurrected from these ashes,
A bit my case, right?
Keep you posted
+32 494 75 75 10
marina.kips @