Yokes/Triple Tree mounting

Nov 10, 2012
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I'm having trouble mounting the yokes/triple tree.
Even if I hold down the steering neck are dancing.
May i am using the wrong diameter balls.
I ave fitted 3/16 x n. 29.
Please, some advices for mounting and let me know the number and diameter of the balls.
Thank you.
From memory, (which is always risky), they are 1/4", and require 26 (x2). I'll try to double check when I get home tonight.

Mike B.
May be i have understood my wrong, but i would be sure and receive your suggests.
I have fitted the 3/16 x n. 28 balls into the crude frame at the top and the bottom of the crude neck; the top yoke and bottom yoke have each the part n.000806 "frame headlugtop and bottom races" where the balls slide and turn.
But parts list show for the top yoke the part n. 012620 "handlebar lug race", and for the bottom yoke the part n. 000805 "fork crown race".
I have not fitted these two parts, may be i have lost them.
Something escapes me.
Someone supply an update of the steering head balls set?
Thank you.
Glad you got it sorted. For the record my memory was faulty, they are 3/16 balls, but as for the qty., I thought 28 was the number...?

Mike B.
Walridge has the P11 Steering bearing parts on their current sales leaflet, page 3.
With nice pictures of the necessary parts :)

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