T95 said:dave,
The wheels and bike are looking good! You should be out enjoying the warm spring days in no time!
rvich said:I don't know how common it is, but my spokes threaded far enough into the nipples that I could feel the end of the thread when I ran my finger across them. The threads have a sharp edge. It drove me nuts! So I took the wheel apart (yes after getting it nice and true), and used my Dremel to round off the ends of each spoke so that it presents a polished dome if any of it sticks through the nipple.
elefantrider said:Just a word to the wise, be careful on small shops, particularly Harley shops as many don't have experience with aluminum wheels and dont have the right spoke wrench.
I had my rear wheel done buy a local Harley shop for $50. Great price I thought! Well, their spoke wrench gouged the rim all around and they did give a damn so just continued.
Now I have a question....... Since they probably laced it to zero offset, can I run that or do I need to put in a small offset?
elefantrider said:Hey.......I hear Buchannans in California does all of CNW wheels......do you think CNW readjusts them to centerline on each bike once they receive them?