What is it with Harley and HOG members

Harley ownership has very little to do with actual motorcycle riding. I live about 50 miles from Daytona Beach. During Bike Week, I know of many local Harley owners who trailer their Harley to Daytona Beach.

Two brothers I knew were planing a trip to upstate NY, where they originally hailed, from Cocoa, FL. They were in a stew trying to figure out how to get 3 Harleys on a trailer. I said I have a novel idea, ride one. They looked at me as if I were nuts.

In my travels, I find BMW riders, for the most part, to be the hi milers. Once in a while a Goldwing rider will rack up some serious mileage. I knew one Goldwing rider who would annually ride from Cocoa, Fl to Wisconsin, where his mother lived, without stopping other than gas, food and pissing. He did this because he was the cheapest SOB I've ever known, he was NOT going to pay for a motel.
Harley ownership has very little to do with actual motorcycle riding. I live about 50 miles from Daytona Beach. During Bike Week, I know of many local Harley owners who trailer their Harley to Daytona Beach.

Two brothers I knew were planing a trip to upstate NY, where they originally hailed, from Cocoa, FL. They were in a stew trying to figure out how to get 3 Harleys on a trailer. I said I have a novel idea, ride one. They looked at me as if I were nuts.

In my travels, I find BMW riders, for the most part, to be the hi milers. Once in a while a Goldwing rider will rack up some serious mileage. I knew one Goldwing rider who would annually ride from Cocoa, Fl to Wisconsin, where his mother lived, without stopping other than gas, food and pissing. He did this because he was the cheapest SOB I've ever known, he was NOT going to pay for a motel.
JimC said:
Harley ownership has very little to do with actual motorcycle riding. I live about 50 miles from Daytona Beach. During Bike Week, I know of many local Harley owners who trailer their Harley to Daytona Beach.

Two brothers I knew were planing a trip to upstate NY, where they originally hailed, from Cocoa, FL. They were in a stew trying to figure out how to get 3 Harleys on a trailer. I said I have a novel idea, ride one. They looked at me as if I were nuts.

In my travels, I find BMW riders, for the most part, to be the hi milers. Once in a while a Goldwing rider will rack up some serious mileage. I knew one Goldwing rider who would annually ride from Cocoa, Fl to Wisconsin, where his mother lived, without stopping other than gas, food and pissing. He did this because he was the cheapest SOB I've ever known, he was NOT going to pay for a motel.

Here in Brisbane the Larverta motorcycly club puts on a one day show every year, its one of the biggest bike shows in my home town of Brisbane, the Laverta club is only a small club with only 56 members but they put on a great show, it bring all motorcyclest out for the day as well as families, everyone leaves their attude at home and all money raised goes to charities, most of the show bikes get trailed in but there are also a lot ridden in, they have a big area set aside for motorcycle parking and its as much fun checking out all the bikes that are ridden to the show and a lot of them should be in the show, when I park my Norton it always gets a lot of lookers who think they know what it is.

When traveling I always see more Triumphs and BMWs on my travels and the occasional Harley loaded up and if I do see a big group of Harlies it usually clubbies on a run somewhere, here in Queensland clubbies aren't allowed to wear their colours in a group of more than 3, the GOVT. has cracked down on outlaw clubs, closing down their club houses and forcing them underground, I liked the old days when you knew who they were with their patches, but they are still easy to know by their high ape hangers, the gear they ride in with face mask as well their attude to other motorcyclests, when the crack down started all Harley riders were hit hard, normal Harley riders were grilled to weed out who had any affiliation with outlaw clubs, photos were taken of any tattos as well as the riders, anyone riding with club colours are pulled over searched and given a hard time, all my mates that rode Harlies got hasseled but I never even got
pulled over at all riding the Norton or Triumph, but things have settled down now and back to normal, but the good thing is they also cracked down on very loud Harlies.

Danno said:
concours said:

What do you expect from people who trailer their bikes to the dealer for a Genuwine Harley-Davidson oil change and pay $8 a pop to get their tires filled with pure nitrogen rather than the 78% stuff we breathe?

Not all Harley riders are like that, in Australia we do things a bit differently, most Harley riders will give the finger wave to other Harley riders or mostly the one finger slute to other bikers on different rides.

Most big group rides on Haries are outlaw groups, if you ride with them for awhile you probably get pulled over and your Harley taken off you, if it a HOG group ride then you be shown the back door if your not a member.

As for loud exhaust on Harlies, they pay so much money for these bikes of course they want to be heard as well as being seen, why else so they can show people their angy face when people look around when they hear them coming or when their ears drumbs bust and of course the cops love hearing a very loud Harley "there is another bad boy lets get him" if you can own a Harley you can afford the tickets or time spent pulled over.

Well its only comon sense to jump on your bike from the side stand side, surely Harley riders aren't that stupid or anyone else for that matter.

As for helping other bikers that have broken down on the side of the road, of course we would stop to help, its the Aussie way to help others wheather they need it or not, I pulled over one day when I seen a loycal Harley
rider broken down, I was on my Norton but he didn't need help from me as I offered to get my trailer, he said he was ok so I moved on a hour later I went past him again still at the same spot so again I pulled over to help this time he gave up his subbieness and took my help, must have got sick of waiting for his Harley mates to show up.

As for Harley bikes and young chicks and some older muture chicks that just get off on Harleys, I can never understand that one, one of my mate's is so ugly not very well spocken but he has a nice looking Harley, but he has alway got a different young chick hanging off the back, model materal I mean, without his Harley he would be a no one, but when you start to chat to the chicks you find out pretty quicly they are short a few brain cells or they are so off their face on something.

As for myself I have a love of motorcycles, I don't need to prove myself to anyone or how good my bikes are, I just ride and if you can keep up with me then all good, if your stranded on the side of the road I will always stop to help, its the way we all should be as we all have the love of two wheels and always willing to help newbies into motorcycles, remember we all started at some stage of our lives, but me its in the blood and hopefully will be riding till the day I die but hope its when I am over 105.

It's true you can't throw a blanket over all of 'em any more than you can lump all Norton types into one box, but many Harley owners adopt the whole lifestyle/gay pirate/ leather up to the neck but no helmet bs as soon as they get the bike home.

Many Harley types are dedicated riders and many are poser wannabe badasses who don't know a pushrod from a pushpin. About 2 minutes of conversation with a Harley owner reveals which type they are.
No helmet in Washington State gets you a ticket. I don't know if more than once gets you into bigger trouble. There's a youngster in our neighborhood who rides a mini-bike (no gearbox, no lights, a 5 hp lawnmower motor). He got a ticket for no helmet. The police didn't seem to notice it had no licence plates!
Sunday there was a burgers, bikes, and babes rally nearby me. Most weekends the venue holds car shows which are pretty cool. It's fun to see all the old cars and their owners who are mostly cool and psyched to talk to people who appreciate the vintage vehicles they've rescued and restored. This weekend was a little different. There wasn't any vintage feel. It was more of a pirate festival of chrome and blazing tattoos. There's always some friendly people regardless of the overall "harley" vibe. I talked to a few cool people who were interested in my bike, and a few who's bikes I was interested in. One guy had a vincent black shadow, and his wife had a 54 indian, but they drove their car to the show!! I scolded them for denying me the opportunity to see those bikes, but they were super nice people.

I found a good place to park...

What is it with Harley and HOG members

The theme of the harley show was different than the usual car show themes...

What is it with Harley and HOG members

*I edited out my final comment,... because a picture is worth a thousand words... :lol:
Harleys are like Cadillacs. Some things are so bad that they are good ? When Harley Davidson produced the XR750TT road racer, they actually proved they could build a motorcycle. Where is it now ? When I was a kid, I used to go for Sunday morning rides with a group of friends. It was great thundering down the roads, however the novelty soon wore off when I found out what you can actually do with a good-performing motorcycle on a race track. In about 1972, I was practising at Calder Raceway near Melbourne when Don Emde was there with the XR750TT. He blew me to the weeds with it - a very respectable motorcycle, even though it destroyed the timing side main bearing and so could not race the following weekend.
A good friend of mine who I have known for most of my life is going through a bit of a bad time and blaming things on everyone else except for himself, but thats another story, he has owned and rode old Triumphs for most of his riding life 45 years but I found out the other day from his misses that he said to her one day " no one visits me no more sense I have owned my Harley" which isn't true, he gone a bit pranorded from drinking cheap wine in a box everyday, when I visit I have notice that when we are up in his shed and if we go up to house for a few minutes he locks his shed up then unlockes it when we go back down there, he has a cattle dog that won't let strangers near the back without him around, he never done this when he had his Triumphs.

Some people have their Harley chained to the floor of their garage, they are a prime target for thieves in Australia. Talking about Harleys attracting the ladies. When my mother was still alive and was about 85 years of age, She used to love talking to the big bad bikie boys up at the Victoria Market. She was used to the guys who use to hang around with me when I was a kid and she always loved big American motorcycles. Long ago, she chastised me for selling my old Indian Scout - said she wanted it. It had the performance of a moped.
Its not only Harlies that are big on the hit list for stolen bikes in Aussie land, lots of British, Jap and European bikes as well, but most are packed in containers and shipped overseas, just the Harlies bring the bigger prize of all for the thieves, another old friend of mine had his prized Shovel stolen from his place his new Harley was also chained to it but they only took the Shovel, his daughter was up stairs at the time, they broke the chain lifted the bike and carried it to a waiting F100, the daughter didn't hear a thing and all done in a few minutes, they have camera pics of the F100 going over the bridge to Redcliffe but couldn't get a clear pic of the number plate, to this day bike is still missing that was over 2 years ago, the thieves seem to be going for more of the rarer bikes these days.
My friend has owned his Shovel for as long as I have owned my Norton, after his split from his misses he was living in a flat and the bikes locked in the lurndary, they think his ex had something to do with it as she is now with a bad arse club biker but proving it is the hardest part.

There is a wireless motion detector on the market that is under £30 , but it is so sensitive it should only be used in confined spaces –the alarm is quite loud.
Two of my best mates own Harlies we have all known each other sinse kids and been riding for over 45 years together but these days it so hard to get them out on the bikes, I have been doing a lot of traveling on my Triunph Thruxton of late and clocking up a lot of miles but getting my Two mates to get out with me for even just a ride is so hard, they keep saying how well their Harleies are but some time they sit in the shed for weeks on end, my mate Paul doesn't work and Steve works when he wants to so they do get the time to go away for a few days at a time.
My mate Paul is having a few problems at home with his ex and kids, his own fault and at the moment his Harley is locked in my shed as he is not allowed home for the time being but the best thing for him is to get away, but the bike hasn't moved sinse it been here, he can get his bike out anytime when I am away but after a week or two away his bike is still in the same spot, all that money tied up in their Harlies and they don't ride them, I can't understand that, I go 2 or 3 days without going out on the bikes and I go crazy, life is to short to be sitting around.

I find that with a lot of my friends who have jump the Harley life, a few ride them everywhere but most sit in the shed for weeks and another thing I have notice with a lot of Harley riders is how many ride around in long short pants with just light shoes or even thongs (flip flops to our US friends) and just a singlet with out any protection at all and its not just the younger ones doing it and they don't ride to the the law or speed limits and they wonder why the cops are cracking down on them.

Well I had my wingding for the day.

My mate just got his Harley out of my shed to go for a ride, out the front I was just watching him leave he didn't even look and pulled out while a car was going past he hit the backside of the car, just lucky he wasn't in front of the car or it would have gone over the top of him, no damage to the bike but a bit of broken plastic from the wheel arch on the car, he told the driver he didn't see her, but he didn't even look.
Lucky it was only slow speed as the car was slowing for the corner could have been worst.

A few years ago I rode a Heritage Soft-tail. As I rode it out of the driveway, I expected it to turn like a normal bike and almost ended up in the opposite gutter. I wrenched the handle bars around and it lumbered off down the road. It didn't go, stop or handle, but it sounded great.
My mate Paul his Harley is a big boar 1500 cc me thinks has a six speed box and can't use top gear unless its over 120ks so really its made for long travels on open highways, I surrpose people don't take notice of him when he is riding on the highways as they would in suburbia as he only rides it around the suburbs, it sits very low but its so heavy to move around, had to push it out of the shed today so I could clean my shed, the Norton and Triumph was so easy but the Harley was so hard, he has taken it away now so a bit more room now.

Funny thing happened the other day when my mate Paul picked up his Harley he was sitting on his bike in his leather jacket and putting his helmet on, I just replaced my old VTwin compressor with a new one, the old one was outside the shed and while Paul was sitting on his Harley I threw a leg over the old compressor and put my hands out like holding on handle bars, my mate gave me the fowlest look on his face, I think he's got the shits with me now as I haven't seen or heard from him since, such is life if you can't have a bit of fun, no lost to me.


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