What is it with Harley and HOG members

trident sam said:
Fast Eddie said:
And another thing (in defence of Ash)...

In this sterile modern world of uber political correctness, let's NOT lose the joy of banter and good old fashioned piss taking in the motorbike world.

Taking the piss out of others is half the fun.

Why d'ya think I call my Commando "Trident Hunter"...?

Just wait for Sam's response and you'll see...

You couldn't spell Z1 Hunter ? :wink:

Touché !

Quite witty for a Trident rider... 8)
Well it happened again, a good friend and Harley owner pasted away at a young age of 62, on the day of his ashes being spread out in Moreten Bay, he lived across the road from the beach front where his ashes were going to be released we took his ashes for a final ride with a group of good mates, 25 bikes all up, his ashes were mounted on the tank so he could get the wind for one last time, while riding my good mate Steve on his hog was behind me I was looking at him in my mirror and there he was with the tuffest look on his face I have ever seen, its not his normal look, I couldn't help myself I just laughed, he then came up beside me and gave me a big grin and a wink, but I was still pissing myself, he later asked me why I was laughing when he came along side of me but I didn't have the heart to tell him.

"take a sad song, and make it better"

hehe, my former biz partner and drinking buddy, sick with cancer, wants to give me his mid '70s amf ironhead sportster... crusty and under a tarp in his rainforest carport.

while I have a vision of what it could be, with the help from filpperboi aka benjies cafe racers, I just don't have the love to put into it. I'm sure with 4-5 thousand it could be made into a respectable, XR wannabe, but I just dont have the time or money. Maybe I should go get it and soak it in oil for a few years....

http://www.bcrdesigns.com/wp-content/up ... rong_1.jpg
I've always thought those old Sportsters in standard form were pretty cool. It's generally not the H-D bikes that act like assholes, but we all know some of their riders certainly can. If you should start thinking a do rag is more attractive than a full coverage helmet, then sell it quick.
My friend Nigle who passed away had a new 1200 Sortster 67 he had It for about 2 or more years had a lot of troubles with it till another shop sorted it out, he also had a 69 Bonny and a rare BSA twin with sidecar, on the day of his last ride the Sportster wouldn't fire up so we mounted him on another Harley, the Bonny and BSA have gone to good homes and his long lost son has kept the Sportster, he was told about his rare cancer 7 months ago and he was still riding 2 weeks before he went down, he was a very talent musician who had a love of blues music and motorcycles R.I.P Nigle.

There are other Harleys and Harley riders that aren't into the pirate lifestyle. My 2009 XR1200 is very Norton-like except for the weight. Look it up. I got a free HOG membership when I bought my XR used from a dealer and I got an 18% reduction on my cell service as a result. I left after the first yr but still getting the discount! Please educate yourself before engaging keyboard. Or did you just post to stir up the pot. Why? Bored?
batrider said:
There are other Harleys and Harley riders that aren't into the pirate lifestyle. My 2009 XR1200 is very Norton-like except for the weight. Look it up. I got a free HOG membership when I bought my XR used from a dealer and I got an 18% reduction on my cell service as a result. I left after the first yr but still getting the discount! Please educate yourself before engaging keyboard. Or did you just post to stir up the pot. Why? Bored?

I have no problems at all with Harlies, in fact I use to own one, I am just having a bit of fun with my mates who change when they are riding their Harlies just the looks or impressions on their faces as well they also change their attude to other riders on different bikes, that is what I am on about and stirring the pot is the Aussie way, but they give as much as they get it all in fun and I am never bored, as well there are a lot of HOG members in the Brisbane club that do have a swollown head with full on attude problems when they are out and about in a group some have their Harlies so far up their arses it not funny, so lighten up it all having a bit of fun.

batrider said:
When I ride the XR my facial expression is usually one of fear!


I like that one, see you can joke about it and thats what its all about.

ashman said:
I like that one, see you can joke about it and thats what its all about.

Talking of jokes, i was amused recently when we were returning on our older Nortons from a girder fork/plunger frame event and stopped for a debrief at the last watering hole. There was a group of modern Triumph cruiser riders who seem to have adopted their own version of the worst of the Harley stereotype. We didn't exist it seems, but we still enjoyed our beer.
Talking of jokes, i was amused recently when we were returning on our older Nortons from a girder fork/plunger frame event and stopped for a debrief at the last watering hole. There was a group of modern Triumph cruiser riders who seem to have adopted their own version of the worst of the Harley stereotype. We didn't exist it seems, but we still enjoyed our beer.[/quote]

I own a moden Triumph a 2013 Thruxton, but some of the guy's that buy Triumph cruisers could be ones that would like to own a new Harley but can't afford them, but it don't really matter as each group has their stereotypes, myself I just like riding and I just like my British bikes although my Thruxton was assembled in Thiland its still a British bike but I don't ride with attude and always have a big smile on my dial when out and about, another thing that gets me with some hog riders is the mask or bandana over their face WTF is that all about, are they tring to be cowboys of the old west or hey I am a outlaw, keep clear or you be in trouble and then they wonder why the cops pick on them.

Fast Eddie said:
cehenard said:
I've got a Norvin. The Vincent folks are always wanting to help me "get a proper chassis together". The Norton people all say "what a waste of a featherbed".

And they're both wrong of course... You need an Egli chassis...!

And a Commando engine.

My son, Brian, used to keep a bandana tied to his handle bar. It was in between the left grip and the clutch perch. Once in awhile he would put it on around dusk and take it off after the sun went down. I grinned and asked why. He said the bugs that come out. I quit grinning when I had a big one go up my nose. Worse than a nose full of chlorinated water. Damn that burned. Yep, I now have one in the same place on my bike.
Re: Bandana

franko said:
My son, Brian, used to keep a bandana tied to his handle bar. It was in between the left grip and the clutch perch. Once in awhile he would put it on around dusk and take it off after the sun went down. I grinned and asked why. He said the bugs that come out. I quit grinning when I had a big one go up my nose. Worse than a nose full of chlorinated water. Damn that burned. Yep, I now have one in the same place on my bike.

Yes but most of them wear them all the time when bugs aren't around, may be they are just butt ugly :roll:

When I was doing the high daily mileage at Norton, I wore a light leather face-mask that covered my mouth, chin and nose. Eight hours a day with the wind in my teeth and up my nose was too much.
You guys have got this all wrong.

What you see on a Harley riders face is NOT an attempt to look mean n' moody...

No, it is simply the look of extreme concentration as they scour the horizon for any impending bends in the road !!
Fast Eddie said:
You guys have got this all wrong.

What you see on a Harley riders face is NOT an attempt to look mean n' moody...

No, it is simply the look of extreme concentration as they scour the horizon for any impending bends in the road !!

I was thinking on the same lines as you Eddie, when I think about it when we go for our Sunday rides with all the mates the Harley boy's are not there they hate us riding up into the twisties and after a few hours of hard riding they complain they are sore and aching all over from throwing their hogs around, who wants to cruise on straight roads.

I had a text message on my phone from one of my best mate's and big twin Harley owner he likes a drink or 2 or 3, he said in his message "buy American you won't look back big cubic inches" the first thing that came into my head was this reply "the reason they don't look back is because there be no one there as they be all in front of you" realy we are great mate's but we tend to put shit on each other all the time, I have also notice a angy face on him when out and about on his Harley and he use to only ride British, he brought his Harley a few months before I brought my New Thruxton just over 4 years ago, so far I have done more miles, have traveled long distants more, so realy he can say what ever to me and I always have the last laugh.

There is a aussie show on tv called HD TV its sponsed by Harley Australia and of course all about Harlies, I watch it sometime but get so annoyed as its all one sided with a lot of peole with to much money, the producers of the show are ex Harley meckenics or ex sales men, they go on a lot of group ride with HOG members but the funny thing is when they go for rides its from one Harley dealers to another Harley dealers in a diffrent towns and they sit around talking how good their Harlies are and of course showing off the latest models.
One or two times a year they oganise a week long trip or more to some far away place for the same reasons as above but I laugh as they only do about between 300 to 500 ks a day they have a back up Harley truck that follows them in case of any break downs and when they pull up at a fancy motel for the night they are so worn out from doing such long distant in their book anyway, to me those ks are only short rides for me, I use to do 1,000 mile rides in a day on my Norton when traveling visiting friends interstate etc and now I am retired I do a few trips a year on my Thruxton that are over 1,500 ks rides in a day stop for a few days drinking then back home, I ride to Agnes Water every month which is over 5 1/2 hrs away from my place without any problems at all fully loaded with gear.
I ask my Harley friends to come with me on some of my adventures but they are such soft cocks and don't want to travel those distants with me because I only stop for fuel and a feed when needed, WTF they pay so much for these Harlies, they brag how good they are yet they don't like to do the distants with me on my bike that I call the baby of the group, but not all Harley riders are like that and I do know a few who will do long distant rides they are only a few.
But back to the tv show when they leave one Harley shop to go to another town with a Harley shop, the women on the back or some do ride their own Harlies they are always spending and buying Harley merchandise, its like a addiction they need to spend money on Harley things and most of the things they buy aren't cheap, but when I think about it HD have got it right their marketing of their product is pretty good, sort of hey come in sucker have a cigar and spend spend spend.
