Last in the game here, but cast an eye (and leg) over a 650 Interceptor today.. I wasn't looking to buy, even though said machine is for sale, just looked out of curiosity. Luckily I know the vendor as a classic bike nut, so wasn't doing the 'time waster' bit, the offer to ride was there so I thought: 'Why not!'
Alas, after having spent a good half hour riding and cursing the Commando's clutch, but revelling in the effortless torque, the Enfield left me cold. Not once did I want to ride it, even after vendor had started it with me astride. First thoughts: 'Hillman Imp!!' Why? All the noise behind (probably exacerbated with the helmet on) but NONE from elsewhere... No tappets, timing chains et al, just booming aftermarket pipes from behind the back seat.
And the 'ignition on' ritual of needles dancing, light flashing on the digital readouts, all alien to this old boy. As much as I decry the Norton on the odd occasion it's let me down, I'm confident in my abilities to fix whatever ails it (the tri spark failure excepted). With all this new gadgetry I reckon I may be out of my depth.
Build quality? Just looked 'cheap' and insubstantial everywhere I looked. Yes, I know it is remarkably priced, but it didn't inspire confidence the way my mates 'new' retro Triumphs do... Whilst 'lightweight' may be de rigeur on modern race replicas, some of the pared down peripherals looked too at odds with the whole ethos of the thing.. I still lust after a 675 Daytona, so not a total luddite bike wise..
Hypercritical? Possibly, but only one man's opinion, plenty do like them...
But thank you Gerry for the time and offer, and I managed to walk away from the P11 'project' too