Riding buddy of mine wrote off two bikes (including a Duc V4), at the same junction, in the same manner, in the same year! Lightning anybody!
He’s just bought one of these, which is definitely in the ‘eye of the beholder’ but promises to be loadsa fun - feels so light you could pick it up and tuck it under your arm.
What’s got me flabbergasted (although I’d heard talk before) is the ‘pay for performance’ model KTM has going on now (I think they’re calling it demo mode)! Not a scam, but commercially corrupt you could argue.
He gets all of the fancy tech included when he buys it, as a taster, but at 1500 Km ‘poof’ the ECU switches some tech off and you have to pay (a lot) for your stealer to switch it back on!! It includes cruise control, which already has a dedicated button on the dash (I think), that he’s paid for! This is not a cheap bike.
Technology offered as an accessory

? It‘d be like hiring a ‘lady of the night’ to find that she’s wearing a chastity belt - either way, you’re getting screwed! But only if you pay again!!! Or is it the way of the future.
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