Walking dogs..

I’ve got arthritis in my right thumb which is slowly getting worse. I had 2 steroid injections. The first one was a treat, sorted me out for more than 12 months. The second one did nowt, when I talked to the surgeon he said it meant no more would work and if it got a lot worse it meant an operation only.
New doctor! Placement of the steroid is important, and, in that joint, I prefer 2 or 3 jabs as there is missing Cartledge around probably 70% of it, at least in mine. The Thumb, Index finger, Middle Finger, and wrist all tie to it via other bones.

The shot in my foot last week did nothing. The one yesterday stopped the pain - who knows for how long. I asked for lower and still between and around the bones. (no real joint, bones held in place with screws and Kevlar strings), An orthopedic surgeon might shoot my foot a few times weeks apart. My podiatrist understands that my foot is a mess that needs more surgery so it's every one or two weeks.

I got a massive shot in my right hip at 21 years old because I could no longer walk, lasted a year. The second one held me for 51 years - hurt off and on until all of the sudden I could not walk - that's when I got the right one replaced. When I got that second shot (8" needle) I helped direct the doctor between the bones and when he started pushing the steroids in, I actually felt the joint separate and it instantly stopped hurting. I hopped into his office and after the shot walked out without pain. The syringe was very big - think of a turkey baster and a 1/8" OD needle. The surgeon that replaced my hip told me that most likely that massive shot killed the local nerves because it was absolute bone on bone and quite a bit worn away - he said no way would anyone push that much steroid today.
Right. Dogs.
My pal Jake...had to move on to the big duck blind above a couple of months ago.

Walking dogs..