Veglia speedometers

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Nov 23, 2014
Good afternoon everybody
This is my first message, I'm from Barcelona and I'm very happy to take part in this wonderful forum.
I have 5 norton to restore and I'm working in different parts I'm finding with more or less problems, but the most difficult one now is finding the speedometers, the veglia speedometers. All my speedos are working, in good or very good condition, except the dial face.
Is there any possibility to find these dial faces anywhere? or has someone a good image that could help me please?
I tried to buy one pair to one guy (I think he is in Finland) but he doesn't answer my mails. It would be a pitty having destroyed speedometers.
... sorry for my poor English and thanks a lot in advance
Have a nice day!
I attach the dial faces I'm looking for
Veglia speedometers
You could try A. Gagg & Son of Nottingham they do all speedos and tachs they have a web site.

I fear it is not very easy to get new faces. Bezels and glasses are available. But the faces are not very common, because it is the part of an instrument you want to have original. But are you sure that only the face is distroyed and all other parts are very good ? That would be unusual. Perhaps it would be advisable to give it to an experienced restorer. Maybe after cleaning the face and with a new glass it looks fine again.
So you probably have to contact a restorer. Finding a web shop will be a problem anyway.

Edit: With an replicated face it probanly looks like a replication instrument.

Thanks a lot everybody. Yes I'm sure the speedos are excellent because they have been totally restored.... except the dial face :(
I will write him to see if there's any possibility
Thanks a lot everybody for your help
Best regards
I won't mind if the dial face is not original. With an image I would be able to make an excellent job. In fact I have made new dial faces for other speedometers of other motorbikes I needed.... but it is not easy to find a good image of these speedos.... what a pity
Have a nice day....or night :)
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