Hope you all enjoyed Christmas and are celebrating on boxing day. I was looking for more information on a 750 Norton I picked up a few years ago from a guy in North Carolina.
I see that this tread is on this bike but many of the links are no longer active.
Beng, Grnadpaul, Foxy, Dances with Sharpnel and Rohan seem to have seen or known about the bike, Rohan posted the above
Hope you all enjoyed Christmas and are celebrating on boxing day. I was looking for more information on a 750 Norton I picked up a few years ago from a guy in North Carolina.
I see that this tread is on this bike but many of the links are no longer active.
Beng, Grandpaul, Foxy, Dances with Sharpnel and Rohan seem to have seen or known about the bike, Foxy posted the above comment and Foxy sent over pictures.
Foxy, please let me know what you know about the bikes racing career in Australia and the engine builder.
It was purchased by Giannini Racing along with a 500 dominator atlas race bike out of Australia and only raced once at Daytona by one of his riders that claimed it didn't have the brakes to run at Daytona so they parked it and sold it to a guy in Illinois that eventually put it in a clothing store as a prop. When I got it I called Frank at Giannini and asked about the bike and what he did with it. Only change he made was reducing the valve spring pressure from 280 to 210 and put the bike back together, hence the unpainted head.
When I got it it needed the carbs rebuilt and rejetted, a few oil seals changed in the motor, brakes rebuilt, tanked lined and cleaned from sitting for the last 10 years or more.
Put new fluids in and racing fuel and besides being a little cold blooded it fired right up. I took it around the neighborhood and got it just into third gear as the wheel raised up higher and higher and thought, man this thing has some power!

Attached is Norton Club day we had that we fired the bike up and drank a couple beers. Start at 2:30 seconds.
Please let me know what you know about the bike... I don't find the bike Useless assorted Norton musings...
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