The shock load from turkeys not keeping it all tight might hammer it loose , but how the # would you ' tourque ' it outta the case ,
as in tear the top lug out . Id think it slamming back and forth , however microscopically , would ' impact drive ' a crack into it to start .
Then tear free .
If it aint broke dont ' fix ' it . Could get the dye penetrant out though , couldnt do any harm . Unless its ' core shift ' in the casting .
Assume the main cases are ' the same ' thickness . Is the ridgid case thinner and breaks . Are the slick shift or ' sports ' cases thicker .
Theyve run 160 horse thru them , on dragstrips & the salt lakes - so I cant see a inherant weakness . Theres a lot of people ' doing it good '
and degrading old stuff now . Makes ya weep wot keen young men & gals do , in the name of ' progess ' . Destroying original factory quality
permanantly .
These turkeys cant do panelwork apparently . That Quaterpanel fit is a bit technical . Bound to be a bodge job - fast & loose - where all that
needs replacing is the lower rear . How unusual .
They dont realise the Factory mightve had a few more Brains than theyve manadged to get .
Seeing its a monocoque , that there panels doin a bit of work - its not a toy . Sorry about the tirade - but yer gether drift .
IF its bolted in properly , it should stay together .
Another THING . Take Up . On a THING , You ' Feather ' the CLUTCH , not ' Drop It ' . from outta nowhere . As SITTING THERE ,
Its Home bbbbbbefore the slack there , and in the gearbox , and diff , are taken up . So Fully Engaged as it all ' hits the stops ' .
Usually , its the spider gears that go . On one of those contraptions . But you get the drift . Hondas were famous ? for drive line slack .
Failure to account for that , and there should be naff all , on a TRIUMPH . would get the shock loading into play .
combined with a ' Show Quality ' gearbox fit . KAPOW ' Sheet - Ive got so much horsepower I blew my gearbox .
Er , Right .