TRITON, at last...

Finally got my spindle upgrade kit fabricated, and made an extra kit to put up for sale. It's turning out to be a lot more work than I thought to make these buggers, the hard part being threading the shaft.

All the bits laid out-

TRITON, at last...

Loosely assembled in order-

TRITON, at last...

End plate side-

TRITON, at last...

Security plate/nut side-

TRITON, at last...

Triton builders will want to know that the nut clears the peg mount plate-

TRITON, at last...

Nice looking!

TRITON, at last...
From last week-

Aluminum bits back from the polishers, now I can complete the forks. Just waiting on the wheels from Buchanan's (next week) and it'll be a rolling chassis.

TRITON, at last...

Note 5 rod bearing shell halves? They must have fallen in the box of parts I shipped out, they polished 'em up real nice! hee hee

Also picked up a nice set of meters for a very good price, too bad they aren't the earlier grey-faced onces...

TRITON, at last...
(from Saturday)

I tossed the cases in a 250F oven for 15 minutes, then dropped them (from about 18" high) open face-down onto my front porch; the timing side main, tranny main and tranny inner cover bearing all fell right out. I then smacked the primary side case a couple of times to attempt to persuade the roller outer race to come out, but it refused.

In the past, I've drilled two tiny holes on the outerside face of the case wall and used a pin punch, but this time I decided to try a different method that I heard works well - weld up a bolt to the inside of the outer race, then smack it from the outside and pop it out. It worked a treat.

TRITON, at last...

TRITON, at last...

The mig splatter cleaned right up.
New main bearings in place, slightly used 5-speed tranny main bearing installed before I realized I needed to widen the aperature for the conversion from 4-speed...

TRITON, at last...

Revised tranny main bearing aperature-

TRITON, at last...

Also widened out the inner face of the inside tranny cover to allow the 1st & 2nd gear nose to abut the bearing race-

TRITON, at last...

The openings do not have to be perfect, as long as they allow ample clearance and are not excessively large.
(from Sunday)

Clean fork parts ready for re-assembly-

TRITON, at last...

Forks loosely installed, awaiting top cap nuts, seal retainer clips, damper tube bolts, and pinch bolts from cad plating-

TRITON, at last...

So, some actual progress, although half-steps. Can't nip up the cases till the cad plated stuff gets back, either...
Killing time waiting on cad plated parts for 5 different projects, so while my backup is burning to DVD, I got a wild hair...

TRITON, at last...

It's a Honzuki fold-out kicker mated to a Bonneville kicker leg socket. Used my knifemaker friend's band saw, belt grinder and MIG welder, made quick/easy work of it...

TRITON, at last...
UPS stopped by...

TRITON, at last...

TRITON, at last...

For what it's worth, Buchanan's build notes indicate 30-40 lbs. spoke tension on the Suzuki front hub / 19" rim, and 45-55 lbs. on the Norton rear hub / 18" rim.

New Avon AM20 & AM21 Roadrunners being mounted just now...
willh said:
Is it just me, I'm thinking you'll have to shave a bit off the back side of that nut and/or lose the washer if you want the Nylock to work.

Already done. Cut 1/4" off to reveal about a thread and a half when fully nipped up.
grandpaul said:
willh said:
Is it just me, I'm thinking you'll have to shave a bit off the back side of that nut and/or lose the washer if you want the Nylock to work.

Already done. Cut 1/4" off to reveal about a thread and a half when fully nipped up.

Kids, house, work, and a lack of funds are keeping me from making progress on my special. Glad to see yours is moving forward.
On the modified kick starter, is all the force going through the weld? If it is then you'll have to use a weld that is better than a mig can do. I would suggest full penetration 7018 rod or maybe 8018. Mig welding does claim to come up to 70,000 psi now-a-days but I have never seen that sort of application hold up.
I trust my friend's welding more than any other welder I've ever dealt with.

Before becoming a professional collector knifemaker, he was an industrial/oilfield technician with multiple welding certifications.

The prep work on the two parts was unbelievable, from facing them both on his high-end belt grinder, to beveling both faces, to super-gluing the parts exactly in position, to the final weld which was done in one pass, all the way around.

It was so precisely done that no grinding was needed to allow full range of motion on the flip-out.
I STILL cant do anything significant.

UPS claims to have delivered my big box of cad plated hardware, but my surveillance video cameras show the truck driving past my driveway down the road, then returning and leaving 8 minutes later WITHOUT ever entering my property.

I was here all day, working in the shop and my office, NEVER SAW HIM.

I'd sure like to know where that box is, supposedly the driver will be here today and "prove" he left the box.
Thankfully, honest neighbors showed up with my box yesterday mid-morning. I told them I'd take them fishing in my family's pond next weekend as a way of saying thanx.

"3204 Frost" (instead of 3304)

42 pounds of stuff, from 5 different projects in-work, plus spare parts-

TRITON, at last...

To get a good idea as to the size of this pile, note the relative size of several coil clamps in the pile...
There wasn't really a whole lot in that pile that pertained to the triton, but here are the front fork parts-

TRITON, at last...

A few other miscellaneous bits & bobs-

TRITON, at last...

I inserted the timed breather disc & spring, nipped up cases-

TRITON, at last...

Also built the front brakes (somehow I'm missing one of the four shoes, there is a gremlin in some dark corner of the shop, chewing on it)

TRITON, at last...

They'll go in the front wheel this afternoon; Avon RoadRunners are mounted!

TRITON, at last...
If Buchanan's did it right (and they ALWAYS have, in my experience), the chain alignment should be perfect-

TRITON, at last...

Rear wheel at the fully forward position in the chain adjuster slots, still leaves a bit of clearance with the 110/90 Avon-

TRITON, at last...
grandpaul said:
Thankfully, honest neighbors showed up with my box yesterday mid-morning. I told them I'd take them fishing in my family's pond next weekend as a way of saying thanx.

"3204 Frost" (instead of 3304)

Gday GP, inspirational photos there showing great progress! Edjamakate me on the 3204 etc please, Im assuming its still cad plate? Making progress with my build, trying to keep the picker sisters away from my shed! :mrgreen:
Foxy said:
Edjamakate me on the 3204 etc please, Im assuming its still cad plate?

My address is 3304 Frost St.

Box was delivered to 3204 Frost St.

Simple mistake, but no phone call, no apology, no follow up, NOTHING from UPS.