Tri spark vs power arc

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Mar 12, 2012
just got my 73 750 running, i rebuilt the carbs and it starts pretty easy and runs OKAY at best (right side seems a little weak, gonna test compression and check timing tomorrow to see what's what) so... i'm thinking of really diving into this project and sinking $2000 or so into it to build a reliable rider. That said i'm looking at electronic ignitions, and thinking maybe i'll buy one and install it now to see how the bike runs before i even consider pulling the motor and rebuilding. anyone have any arguments for or against the two mentioned in the subject? i'm also open to suggestions on other systems besides those two. I like the power arc system from old brits because for the same money as the tri spark i'm replacing the coils, wires, plugs, and the wiring all in one shot so nothing is left to chance. but is the tri spark better? :?
Can't speak to which is better as I have no experience with the Power Arc. I chose the TriSpark because of its engineering elegance/simplicity - all contained under the points cover. So far so good, no problems with it whatsoever.
I went with Power Arc because of it's simplicity and complete package but you may experience kickback more often than with TriSpark. I turn the ignition on ONLY when ready to give it a healthy kick. If you're fooling around the Power Arc may advance the timing on you and let you know who's in control of the kick lever.
i did read a bit about the starting procedure and kickback on old britts. How do you like your power arc? any complaints? looks easy to install and set, i also love the simple complete package of it. how long have you been running it?
I think the Pazon Altair should be considered too unless maybe it doesn't cost enough?
I believe that was a problem with the early Power arcs. Contact Fred at Old Brits. He may be able to reprogram it correctly for you.
Hello. I have wondered whether to get a power arc vs tri-spark myself. I installed a Tri-spark on a MKIII recently and it went well. The bike started easily and ran better. I also liked the power arc concept and have only heard that you might have a problem timing it with sunlight or a lot of ambient light because the pick ups are optical. I am still amazed that any electronics can survive the temps inside the Norton timing cover. Amazing :D
Super happy with my Tri-Spark. I've run it about 1000 miles. Idle stabilization is a nice touch. I ran idle a bit low the last time I syched the carbs (600 rpm) and it never skipped a beat. The carbs are new 932 Premiers. Anyway, it never kicks back on starting, idles nice and throttle response is good.

Current draw was low enough at freeway cruise that I made it 200 miles on battery power only after my rotor exploded and melted down the stator. I think draw at max rpm is 2 amps, so I was less than an amp at cruise.

Anyway, it's a straightforward install and it's worked great so far.

I can't compare to a Power Arc because I have not tried one.
kevbo82 said:
i did read a bit about the starting procedure and kickback on old britts. How do you like your power arc? any complaints? looks easy to install and set, i also love the simple complete package of it. how long have you been running it?

Timing is very simple. Just find TDC and secure the optical disk when the LED comes on.

I've got less than 2,000 miles on it since installing last year but it runs extremely well from idle to 6,000+ RPM (even with dual Amals). That darned kickback from time to time is what's annoying. It's got me thinking about electric start (because I run I don't want to screw-up my knees/ankles). Had a shovelhead a few years back that had me limping for days!
Just curious, I've had a Boyer in my Norton for over 20 years and it has worked perfectly for all this time. Are these new ignitions preferable to the Boyer these days?
montelatici said:
Just curious, I've had a Boyer in my Norton for over 20 years and it has worked perfectly for all this time. Are these new ignitions preferable to the Boyer these days?

I've never run a Boyer. I went right from stock to Tri-Spark, but if it has been good for 20 years, I'd tend to leave it alone! But I am sure some converts from Boyer to something else will chime in.
Got a Boyer in mine from PO. Works fine as far as I can tell. As long as the batteries over 10 volts anyway. :|
From what I understand. The Power Arc will still start it as low as 6 volts. Tri-spark might be the same?
I just replaced my Boyer MK III with the Tri-spark a fortnight ago.I also upgraded to coils with the CNW kit at the same time. I now have a steady idle which I never had before.Starting gets easier and easier and its becoming a one kick starter.No kick back either
shrugger said:
Got a Boyer in mine from PO. Works fine as far as I can tell. As long as the batteries over 10 volts anyway. :|
From what I understand. The Power Arc will still start it as low as 6 volts. Tri-spark might be the same?

I see. I always have 12+ volts in my battery (I use a lithium iron) and use electric start, so that advantage is not useful for me.
i think i'm really leaning towards the power arc. For a few bucks less then the tri spark you get all new coils, wiring, plugs, wires. Just seems like such a nice complete system, and at 30 years of age, having never personally experienced kickback and still young and dumb enough to think i'm invincible i'm not bothered by that downside of the power arc. Does seem somewhat insane that they only offer a 6 month warranty on the unit, which OB's up's to one year.
I ordered my Power-arc last week so will report back after it gets here and I get it installed. I chose it because everything is included with the kit and I could just about afford it. A couple more peanut butter and jelly brown bag lunches for me and it's covered. Cj
cjandme said:
I ordered my Power-arc last week so will report back after it gets here and I get it installed. I chose it because everything is included with the kit and I could just about afford it. A couple more peanut butter and jelly brown bag lunches for me and it's covered. Cj

I think PB&J is still a step up from ramen noodles!
If some body are intrested, I have a new unused Power Arc Ignition systems from Old Britts. Good deal. Send me a e-mail.
Just to throw one in for Pazon, my surefire starts right up, but you've got to give it both barrels when cold. The other day when I had to stop to tighten the exhaust nolt, I couldn't believe how easy it was to start, it was sort of like just pressing on the lever and it went right off, of course it was plenty warmed up, but it was amazing. I was just sitting on the seat, no stand down and pushed it over lightly, vrroom. I can't say it ever did that before.

DogT said:
Just to throw one in for Pazon, my surefire starts right up, but you've got to give it both barrels when cold. The other day when I had to stop to tighten the exhaust nolt, I couldn't believe how easy it was to start, it was sort of like just pressing on the lever and it went right off, of course it was plenty warmed up, but it was amazing. I was just sitting on the seat, no stand down and pushed it over lightly, vrroom. I can't say it ever did that before.


I can get that with a Boyer.

Not to say I'm not looking to upgrade....
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