transmission variations

I did not know there were different gear shapes invarious Norton boxes, However I usually only ever replace the entire cluster with one exception - the first gear pair. The Manx cluster is excellent for racing with the 850 motor, but needs the low first gear for clutch starts. One of my friends raced a 500cc Manx - he had 3 first gears to suit various circuits. With a Manx cluster, I never needed to go back to first gear during a race on any circuit.
Do they have the same OD ?
British motorcycles are not Japanese. With British bikes, a complete redesign is not so common. Most developments are part of a progression. Japanese motorcycles are built with American industrial engineering. I like British motorcycles better - they have more soul. The rider adjusts to the bike. I have ridden both a VFR400 Honda and a 500cc Manx Norton. The Honda does everything better, but I would much rather ride a Manx. With British stuff, you can make most of the bits in your own back yard.
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