Gearbox cases are often available on eBay in good shape. The one I bought last month cost me $49.57 delivered and there is nothing wrong with. Once in a while you'll get one with an issue which you can usually send back. There are three companies I know of parting out bikes and of them ebvc is the most reliable and easist to deal with if there is an issue.
I can't imagine paying for machining unless you're building a bike for concours shows and need the serial number not to change. In that case, a new shell won't work either.
I can't imagine paying for machining unless you're building a bike for concours shows and need the serial number not to change. In that case, a new shell won't work either.
Was able to bore the case today. Not sure this is the best solution, but I still think it is worth a try. The set up in the mill is not for the faint of heart, and took some patience to figure out. The case flexes a lot more than I had realized. Boring head size is an issue and I ended up buying a new boring head to get the job done. Ran out of time before I could recheck bearing alignment so I will have to check it on Friday. Once I can verify the alignment I will choose whether or not to run a ball bearing or roller bearing.
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