A bike is a machine a machine is no good without a operator, to get the best out of a machine you need a good operator, there are operators that are bad, then you get a operator who has natural abilities and experience which makes a machine perform the best, but of course machines do break, some before their limits and some way over their limits, same as bikes whether used on the dirt, road or the track they are no good without a good rider who has a understanding of their own bike.
Also natural ability plays a big part and even riders who have been riding since they were kids and are experienced don't mean they are good riders if they don't have that natural ability, over 50 years of riding (have never been without a bike) and only been off the road 4 times from injuries and 2 licence suspension, I am self taught when I first jumped on a bike, I learned by my mistakes on dirt bikes, it's very rare I make mistakes these days but it does happen sometimes no one is perfect and if you think you can jump on a bike without ever riding it and think you can ride it to its limits straight away then you are asking for trouble even with natural abilities you still got to get the feel of the bike, some can do it quicker than others, but you got to have that safety aspect as well no matter how experienced you are.
Know your own ability and how far you can push yourself as well as your bike and if you don't then you might get into trouble or indanger others.
I have always put trust in my Norton and the way I built it and now with new owner of Norton and new modern factory things are looking up but they also need to be made that people can afford them.