The images below show one FCR carb with a Sudco sticker on the side and one without. Its true that Aliexpress shows these carbs at a cheap china price so I will contact Sudco next week and find out if they're being copied or what. Not sure about the info I've been given so far - most concerning is that the 33s may actually be the same overall size as the 35s and that would be a deal breaker.
This photo looks shows the blue sudco sticker on the bowl and a different accelerator pump linkage compared to the photo at bottom.
This photo is off the aliexpress site with some subtle differences to the photo above.
Here's a carb I'm not familiar with - a flatslide with a round screw off top. Its less than $50. Its a flatslide and I'll bet it blows away the Premiers (If anyone has the gonads to jet it and give it a try - and doesn't care about the knockoff stigma). Has to be a knockoff because it matches the fake mentioned on this Sudco website:
Some even come with a fake Sudco sticker