Lots has happened since the last post - Swapped out the boat sump pump & cooling hose, but the starter solenoid must have taken on water, it's not responding.
The building hasn't had anything else done, it really needs hangar doors, but I'm thinking of extending it 10' in the front and pitting bi-fold doors on a dedicated frame in front of that.
We went to the beach (South Padre Island), one of my nephews took us out trout fishing (4 limits between 5 people, so pretty good fishing)
Got a lot of work done on the plane, and had it out taxiing. Two of the three runways are entirely TOO ROUGH; I need to rent a proper grader and get them smoothed out. I'm still over-reacting with rudder pedals when taxiing, I need to remember tiny moves do a lot with this bird on the ground (didn't help that it was bucking and bouncing down the runway). Need to clean the air filter and sort the jetting, as it will not rev up with the air filter on, and I didn't make a mental note of which slot the slide needle was clipped in with, before I overhauled the carb. Felt great to to at least be able to test-fire it and roll it around; not much left to do before a couple of crow-hops...
As can be seen here, the front of the slab got back-filled with a rental tractor. It also had a box blade, was abused by previous renters (already had one broken bracket when I picked it up); broke 2 more brackets and popped a hydraulic hose so I gave up trying to grade the runways and got a partial refund.