The Modern "Vincent"

It was sold to someone in New Zealand according to their (NOC) website.I have no idea how much but I would be interested to know.What are these machines (original) fetching these days does anyone know? Gotta be near $70k + I would think?
gtsun said:
These types of things are so repulsive to me. Both are a joke, ugly as sin, have none of the qualities & nothing to do with the real bikes. But there are people who see things without caring about the history or soul of the real thing. I went to a show a few weeks ago & a friend told me to go look at the old "Trident". What I found was a 70's Honda poorly imitating a "British" cafe bike with " Trident " painted on the Honda tank above a ugly Honda motor in a Honda frame. Seeing the look of disgust on my face my friend really thought I was such a snob becouse he too thought "Trident"was a STYLE not the specific engine frame combo from by gone days. The Norton seems a little diferant to me in that they seem to really want to build modern bikes and I hope they can. I don't care for "fake old" stuff but a lot of people do. I bet they think Mc Donalds makes good food too. I bet if Ducati went under these poser Vincent Honda guy's would paint the words "Desmo & Bevel " on it and call it a Super Sport. Sorry for the rant but if it's a Duck call it a Duck, if it' a Kawi, or a Honda (nothing wrong with that) call it one!

you should come to NYC for some of the "bike shows"
while their is/are a few good shows - some (most) are just friggen hipsters that pose in front of their cafe honda's - or walk around with their triumph t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up to show their tat's, then jump in the hummer for some sushi at nobu ( a pathetic hipster place) -

arhhhghhgh - you guys got me started!
speirmoor said:
Thank for the update Danno. I knew the guy had died but I didnt know he was killed.I wonder what the problem with cooling was? Maybe they didnt opt for the cooling fan because of aesthetics?

The side-mount VTR-RC radiators were engineered to work with a full fairing ducting the air through from the front and out the sides. Without tha bodywork, there's no good way to get enough flow to make them eficient.
grandpaul said:
Strikes me as a bit odd that anyone would think new Vincents built from up-rated and modernised original Vincent designs could EVER be considered overpriced, based on what new Nortons are fetching, and what Rickmans expect to fetch for thier new proprietary twin. ESPECIALLY when you consider what OLD Vincents sell for!!!

I suppose it was a business calculation based on the size of the company (two guys who made upgrade parts for originals) sort of like Kenny Dreer. The 961 never would have made production if not for adequate investment capital. As you can see, from your own posts and those of more strident purists, anything but an original Vincent is condidered to be something less, even when built from original-spec parts. Not ever having the personal capital to consider joining the VOC, I don't really have a dog in that fight.
speirmoor said:
prmurat said:
people really wanting a Vincent have a few choice these days:
buying a real, expensive, one
building one from scratch, all the parts are available news
do as I did and opt for a "replica" of a Engli-Vincent as made by Godet or by another in the UK (name better forgotten!)

Can't say I am happy with my Godet: too many problems, dealing with a French is not easy (even if youi are French, like me!), in one word not worth the money I spent 5 years ago and certainly not the price today. The only excuse is the snobery piece of equipment, rare and expensive. I mostly love riding motorcycles and this can be achieved with better results on any modern cheaper bike! Like checking the time on a Rolex or a Kelton: its the same time!
What engines are they using Philippe?

A Vincent engine made brand new...with ES, alternateur, 2 front heads and a Ducati clutch.
Here is a picture of mine:
The Modern "Vincent"

it is still a 1000cc I heard he makes them in 1200 & 1300 cc now.

I'd much rather have a totally unknown chassis housing a Vincent engine, than a Honda engine in ANY chassis with a "Vincent" badge on it ANYWHERE.
prmurat said:
GrandPaul: I hope you do not call a Egli frame "totally unknown"?

No, my basic argument is that I'd rather have a pressed-steel Yamaha 80 frame with a Vincent engine, than the finest crafted frame with a Honda engine and a Vincent badge on the tank.

Vincent = cool, period.
Honda = NOT a Vincent, period.
That would be interesting a Yamaha 80 with a Vincent.... like my friend who wants to install a Laverda 750 in an old Honda 305 frame...
But a 450 Honda Egli... YES!!
prmurat said:
Here is a picture of mine:
The Modern "Vincent"

I wouldn't even care if it ran. I'd just park it in my living room, buy it its own recliner for me to sit in and stare at it for hours.

That may be the most gorgeous classic motorcycle I've ever seen and I don't care if it's a replica or not.
prmurat said:
do as I did and opt for a "replica" of a Engli-Vincent as made by Godet or by another in the UK (name better forgotten!)

The owner's words, not mine.
Theres some Turkeys C.N.C. building NEW Vincent Engines in Victoria , Australia.
Yours for $ 100.000 Aus. Also I think 12 & 14 hundred cc ones,
There Side Car nutters , so there fairly strong . (circuit racing Classic Sidecars ).

Old days thy said output Mainshaft at 1400 cc broke , so oversize shaft and bearing were fitted
(Just like XR 750s did)

The ' BRITTEN ' was , in my books , the " New Vincent " everybody had been harping on for years was needed.
And trying to say Norton should produce , mid seventies ( Parralell Twins were archaic and obsolete , according
to 'the Press' , along with ' Big Singles ' , like the C.C.M. (BSA) 608 ). A pity it wasnt put into volume production.
Perhaps this ' New crowd ' should Borrow one , and do just that . ?

Thats a pretty nice motorcycle up there.Just like a REAL motorcycle.Not a lot of supuflous components there .