Mar 22, 2021
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Is that not for manufacture of IC bikes not actually use? But rest assured the end is going to happen sooner than you like.
Ride now. Ride often.
If that law is enacted everywhere, it, by itself, won't hurt us as vintage bike owners. But, by around 2050 there will be so few fuel stations and fuel will be so expensive that our bikes will be for show only. Then there's home heating oil, jet fuel, avgas, oil, grease - what about them? What about internal combustion engines vehicles powered by natural gas?

I don't see the switch to electric as bad, but the side effects certainly can/will be. For instance, how are we making the electricity? What happens to all the products made from crude oil when gasoline is no longer sold and what do you do with the gasoline you produce while making other things. Originally, gasoline was a discarded product of refining crude oil into kerosene for lighting.

The UK government are hell bent on doing away with personal transport ownership
They are doing all they can to inconvenience people into getting rid of vehicles for the masses
Last month speed restrictors were fitted to new cars
Speed limits being reduced all over
This dosent just affect fossil burners but electric cars too
The UK government are hell bent on doing away with personal transport ownership
They are doing all they can to inconvenience people into getting rid of vehicles for the masses
Last month speed restrictors were fitted to new cars
Speed limits being reduced all over
This dosent just affect fossil burners but electric cars too
What's the push for that? Does the Govt provide public transportation and thereby make money getting rid of private transportation? What are the speed restrictors set to?
There is a religious war now under way just as there has been many times before in history since the Dawn of Time.
Somebody will win and somebody will lose. Pick any era in history and then you will see this.
In the UK try the Reformation or the Civil War. To many of us, what is going on now in the political and social spheres
is nearly unthinkable. But it is indeed happening.
Ride now. Ride often.

I would love to have a few beers in conversation with this guy...he nailed every point of concern very well.
In the city i live in the local council have plans to put "bus lanes only" down both sides of our main arterial road ...which means there will be no parking for anyone to conveniently access local business and not liking the transition to this "woke agenda" which is becoming rampant threw out the world...."Everything work turns ta $hit"
It reminds me of the "pedestrianization" of the High Street. All auto traffic banned. Now people can walk about in blissful safety and shop. Then they found out that nobody wanted to park elsewhere and walk about shopping. High Street then died. Eventually it was back to being a street. And then it was too late, nobody goes shopping because it is all online.
So what will happen when all this Saving the Planet turns out that the economy crashes and or the Climate Emergency is not
avoided by all the world going non-carbon?
I am old. It is easy for me to see things...
It reminds me of the "pedestrianization" of the High Street. All auto traffic banned. Now people can walk about in blissful safety and shop. Then they found out that nobody wanted to park elsewhere and walk about shopping. High Street then died. Eventually it was back to being a street. And then it was too late, nobody goes shopping because it is all online.
So what will happen when all this Saving the Planet turns out that the economy crashes and or the Climate Emergency is not
avoided by all the world going non-carbon?
I am old. It is easy for me to see things...
The exact same thing has happened to our main city central business district...what you mainly see now is "TO LEASE" Signs plastered over many shop fronts...the consequence of a system that is out to crush the working man and small business...the good thing is alot of people are waking up to this nonsense...older and wiser bro.
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Problem is that competing your brick and mortar shop vs. online is almost impossible. Tax structures alone can do you in. Our local autoparts store is a tomb now. They stay alive by supplying the trade. So once you ran into town to grab an oil filter, a tool, or a few fasteners, now you must order it through ebay or amazon and wait three days or pay the extra over night charge. Things change and the biggest change is usually the unintended consequences. You know, like the Age of the Credit Card which brought on the Age of No Cash which then brought the government ever deeper into your life.
There are two ways to impart change. Incentives and Mandates. I generally prefer incentives. Make electric cheap and gas expensive.

Oh, and EVs aren't ecologically friendly. More so than ICEs, but not perfect.

Personally, i'm more concerned with autonomous vehicles. Once they figure out liability issues, drivers will be outlawed.
At about that time I figure on being dead. So fortunately I put on 60 miles on the Commando today on a beautifully warm and
sunny day. Make hay whilst the sun shines.
There are two ways to impart change. Incentives and Mandates. I generally prefer incentives. Make electric cheap and gas expensive.

Oh, and EVs aren't ecologically friendly. More so than ICEs, but not perfect.

Personally, i'm more concerned with autonomous vehicles. Once they figure out liability issues, drivers will be outlawed.
You may have heard that New Zealand portrays it self as being "clean and green"....thats because we export alot of our rubbish to Malaysia so they can burn it for us...I don't trust or approve of the so called "science" and government over reach...Agree.. Lithium mining will have dire consequences
You may have heard that New Zealand portrays it self as being "clean and green"....thats because we export alot of our rubbish to Malaysia so they can burn it for us...I don't trust or approve of the so called "science" and government over reach...Agree.. Lithium mining will have dire consequences
Meanwhile its all about reducing ya carbon footprint....what a load of crap !!
For my generation and the one before mine there really were good old days. The new days are looking kind of dull and boring.

I can see motor racing getting the boot across the board in the next 20 years. Pickle ball tournaments will be really popular though. :rolleyes: