My “ first time “ with a Commando was in 1976 …… I had my very first ride that summer.
I’d previously run several BSA and Triumph 650’s and also a Velo 500 but having been abroad for a couple of years I returned home and bought a Honda CB125T 17 hp @ 11,000 revs ( my mate got made redundant and needed cash so it made sense )
That summer I was staying in Tenby, West Wales and outside a pub late one night a group of “ bikers “ decided to take a run from there through the coastal lanes to Pendine, twisty narrow and good fun…. read this as exciting especially in the dark!
Sure sounded like fun so I said so however someone decided they would take the piss out of the 125 owner and said “ you can come along if you can keep up “ !!
Ever one for a challenge I said you bet I will …… little did they know I knew the lanes well - they were all on holiday from England.
Had a great ride and kept my end up arriving second to a Moto Morini 350 sport, the Commando 750 came third
The rider who took the piss was a Jota owner, he gave me a pat on the back and apologised ( he was 5th )
The Morini owner said he only beat me by a few yards and had to wring it’s nuts to do so
The Commando owner was so impressed he wanted to ride the Honda back to Tenby !
I was delighted ….. mainly ‘cos I’d always fancied a Commando
I enjoyed the Commando ride so much I bought one a few weeks later, kept the Honda as my winter salty road hack.
My first Commando was a 1973 Roadster
I often take the coastal lanes to Pendine and often smile to myself about my first time, never told my wife as to her it would be stupid