That brand new look for engine cases

I used to do that when I were a lad.

Eventually I realised it was a huge task to do… and even bigger task to keep ‘em like that… and I didn’t even like the look anyway !
If your wife happens to be out for the day, the cases clean up very nicely when placed in a Bosch dishwasher and run thru the pot scrubber cycle.
Afterwards you can leave them as is or paint them. I painted with VHT high heat silver. That is holding up really well so far.


That brand new look for engine cases
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You should include vintage BMW in your search for case treatments (got acid?). Truly, no new finish lasts long, which is why many use paint that is gas, oil, and heat proof - wipe and you're clean?

TIP: Be sure if you use the dishwasher you follow up with another cycle just in case and check the filter for any parts you might have left behind...:rolleyes:.
When I’ve tried the dishwasher, parts have come out corroded !

I believe it was Comnoz who said this is caused by the drying cycle (parts hanging around in an extremely humid environment I guess) and that parts should be removed before this.

Is this what you guys do ?
When I’ve tried the dishwasher, parts have come out corroded !

I believe it was Comnoz who said this is caused by the drying cycle (parts hanging around in an extremely humid environment I guess) and that parts should be removed before this.

Is this what you guys do ?
Yes, as soon as wash cycle stops then open the door and wipe WD40 on all steel, close door and let the drying cycle commence. Its only a flash corrosion and is more an issue of the extra work involved in removing, not enough to cause pitting.
Blast them, wash thoroughly with hot soapy water, use pipe cleaners to assure all passages are clean, blow out with compressed air, mask of gasket surfaces, paint with UHT flat aluminium paint. After several hours to dry, place in a 300F oven for an hour.
One tip I found on a BMW airhead forum was a U.S. product call Rub 'n' Buff. Simply rub it onto ally cases & it looks pretty good, & great if you don't have the bike in pieces. It stays on quite a while aswell.
Years ago I was put onto a product called ( spray 9 ). You have to put it on the cyl. head cold , leave it awhile and then wash the bike as usual.After a few washes it lifts any oil out of the porous head casting. Just don't put it on when the engine is hot. It comes in a spray bottle,reasonably priced . Keeps the aluminum head looking original but clean as when you first bought it.
Years ago I was put onto a product called ( spray 9 ). You have to put it on the cyl. head cold , leave it awhile and then wash the bike as usual.After a few washes it lifts any oil out of the porous head casting. Just don't put it on when the engine is hot. It comes in a spray bottle,reasonably priced . Keeps the aluminum head looking original but clean as when you first bought it.
Good tip. I have seen this stuff for years in Canadian Tire but always opted for Simple Green as my engine cleaner. Recently grabbed a bottle of Autoglym Machine Cleaner in the "as is" clearance bin for less than 20% normal price due to a missing label. That stuff is pretty good also on the Norton.
The guy who put me on to spray 9 had been using it on his yamaha and he said it is simple,cheap and available.He was right. On my aluminum tank and other covers like primary and timing cover I had been using autosol for years.It would dull down.Someone put me onto mothers mag cleaner which is available at canadian tire also.Once you polish your parts apply it . It does not affect decals and it keeps the cases bright for a long time even after washes unlike autosol you have to keep using.
The Mothers works great, but I used to go through a lot of it with all of the bare alloy here. Canadian Spruce has their own pink alloy polish that they concocted to polish a complete old DC-3 aircraft. They sell it in one and two pound tins. It is fabulous on almost anything that needs a polish, especially aluminium. It won't dull the shine like Autosol, just the opposite.

Re polishing alloy chrome or stainless over 50+ years I've tried the lot. If you have never heard of "white diamond metal polish" then look it up on ebay or amazon. Outstanding results with little effort Autosol, mothers, astonish and all the rest come nowhere near. I have no connection with this polish but give it a try. Not cheap but I Won't use anything else now !!!
Re polishing alloy chrome or stainless over 50+ years I've tried the lot. If you have never heard of "white diamond metal polish" then look it up on ebay or amazon. Outstanding results with little effort Autosol, mothers, astonish and all the rest come nowhere near. I have no connection with this polish but give it a try. Not cheap but I Won't use anything else now !!!
What’s it like in terms of protection of the polished surface ?
When I’ve tried the dishwasher, parts have come out corroded !

I believe it was Comnoz who said this is caused by the drying cycle (parts hanging around in an extremely humid environment I guess) and that parts should be removed before this.

Is this what you guys do ?
The automatic dishwasher soap is CAUSTIC. Look at any alloy bits of kitchen parts.

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