Texas n' S. States concern.

Water pressure is getting a bit better, and the sun is out!

Getting the Prototype monoshock Commando and my Triton registered at last, once this stuff clears out, I'm going riding! (Commando has E-Start)
I don't live off the grid, but I'm close enough to the edge that major weather events leave me without power for a long time sometimes. Longest was 6 1/2 days so since then I have worked to be as independent of the grid as possible. Wood/propane heat, and generator enough to run the whole house, garage, and well pump. Since covid hit al lot the summer camps and lake houses past me have become year round occupied by city escapees. We have not had an event bad enough to take power out yet but I'll be curious to see if my new neighbors make a difference in how long Eversource takes to respond now. In any case, I feel for those down south suffering from this crap. The worst I ever had to deal with was a fridge full of spoiled food, not the frozen pipes and other stuff.
This freaky weather is payback from climate change, Most of the human race has pilaged the worlds resources without a thought. I feel a bit sorry for those jungle tribes that just lived off nature. The rest of us are just getting our just rewards . The next big one could be when the poles reverse,or a sunspot fries all electronics. Get those rides in while you can.
I'm waiting for the comet to hit.
Far more likely something more mundane will happen right here. Like a virus will mutate and become highly lethal and spread very easily and because of the huge population of the planet now with people very close together, and the incredible technology that allows people to cross the globe in a matter of a few 10's of hours, it could spread extremely quickly and sicken and kill many 10's of thousands of people in a matter of a few months........ oh, wait,... what was that? Never mind...
Far more likely something more mundane will happen right here. Like a virus will mutate and become highly lethal and spread very easily and because of the huge population of the planet now with people very close together, and the incredible technology that allows people to cross the globe in a matter of a few 10's of hours, it could spread extremely quickly and sicken and kill many 10's of thousands of people in a matter of a few months........ oh, wait,... what was that? Never mind...
Stephen King's "The Stand" was just that.
This freaky weather is payback from climate change, Most of the human race has pilaged the worlds resources without a thought. I feel a bit sorry for those jungle tribes that just lived off nature. The rest of us are just getting our just rewards . The next big one could be when the poles reverse,or a sunspot fries all electronics. Get those rides in while you can.
Speaking of reversed poles, it turns out the answer IS 42!

I give back twice daily in feeding the wild birds about the neighborhood.... Grackles are the gangsters and run the show... Also keep the hummingbird feeders topped for the bees because after the big chill they've nothing available, and come spring you need the pollenators.
This freaky weather is payback from climate change, Most of the human race has pilaged the worlds resources without a thought. I feel a bit sorry for those jungle tribes that just lived off nature. The rest of us are just getting our just rewards . The next big one could be when the poles reverse,or a sunspot fries all electronics. Get those rides in while you can.
glad to see you so optimistic. but it never ceases to amaze me that when the weather is hot it is global warming, yet now the winter is freezing, and exceptionally so across most of the northern hemisphere and has been for the last3 to 4 years, that it is global warming, climate change, charastrophic weather. Please make up your mind and give the rest of us abreak.
glad to see you so optimistic. but it never ceases to amaze me that when the weather is hot it is global warming, yet now the winter is freezing, and exceptionally so across most of the northern hemisphere and has been for the last3 to 4 years, that it is global warming, climate change, charastrophic weather. Please make up your mind and give the rest of us abreak.
Please. Anecdotes and opinions does not science make.
Texas n' S. States concern.

glad to see you so optimistic. but it never ceases to amaze me that when the weather is hot it is global warming, yet now the winter is freezing, and exceptionally so across most of the northern hemisphere and has been for the last3 to 4 years, that it is global warming, climate change, charastrophic weather. Please make up your mind and give the rest of us abreak.
Despite all the misnomers, it's climate change caused by global warming, even when it's a 12' blizzard where normally a dusting of snow is excessive. The extremes of weather are much more visceral than a 4-dergee rise in temperature. Oceanfront cities are building seawalls to pre-empt the rising waters from the melting ice caps. Just because someone doesn't know quite how to express it, doesn't mean it's not true.
...and STILL people seem to quietly overlook the HISTORIC RECORD of cyclical CATASTROPHIC (FAR more than 1 degree) cooling and warming over the millennia...
...and STILL people seem to quietly overlook the HISTORIC RECORD of cyclical CATASTROPHIC (FAR more than 1 degree) cooling and warming over the millennia...
Fortunately while the internet may ignore research evidence, real scientists do not.

I'm a geologist and I spent my entire career in the oil and gas industry. So I certainly was deep in producing a lot of hydrocarbon.

But one of my teachers at uni was a guy called Peter Barrett. One of the world top experts in Antarctic paleoclimate. He is very concerned and I trust him. He taught me for 5 years and he is a very very smart man.

Ok. He used to ride BSA twins but you can't hold that against him.

So yes your right. The world has had many warming and cooling periods. Which are recorded in many places in the geological record.

But the world has never seen such a rapid change ever. And it most certainly never had such a change when literally billions of people are dependant on a world economy built around today's climatic conditions.

It's time to stop pretending. You can talk about sun spot cycles, earth's magnetic field changes, milankovich cycles etc etc. But these give changes in 10,000 year plus variation. Not 150 years.
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glad to see you so optimistic. but it never ceases to amaze me that when the weather is hot it is global warming, yet now the winter is freezing, and exceptionally so across most of the northern hemisphere and has been for the last3 to 4 years, that it is global warming, climate change, charastrophic weather. Please make up your mind and give the rest of us abreak.
Sorry but if you think this then you don't understand the science. One of the outcomes of warming is increased instability. Storms, rapid changes hot and cold.

More snow where there used to be almost none is 100 % to be expected.
I manage young engineers. I have to caution them, for example, that just because A leads to B, that doesn't mean C can't lead to B, or an interaction of D and E cant lead to B, etc. A may be most probably cause of B, but beware...
I manage young engineers. I have to caution them, for example, that just because A leads to B, that doesn't mean C can't lead to B, or an interaction of D and E cant lead to B, etc. A may be most probably cause of B, but beware...
True. The old saying correlation is not necessarily causation.

But I don't think we are in the young engineer situation here. Literally thousands of independent scientists and engineers in fields covering physics mathematics, geology, climatology, meteorology oceanography chemistry glaciology , atmospheric geophysics etc etc in hundreds of different institutions around the world are not all young naive engineers.

Peter is 80 for a start. .. He has seen a trick or too.

People argue they are all getting fed research money which means they follow the herd. Or that they want to be part of the same latest thing.

But that simply isn't true as I can see with my own eyes. The guys I have met working in this area would like nothing more than to be the one who was able to discover an alternative explanation.
True. The old saying correlation is not necessarily causation.

But I don't think we are in the young engineer situation here. Literally thousands of independent scientists and engineers in fields covering physics mathematics, geology, climatology, meteorology oceanography chemistry glaciology , atmospheric geophysics etc etc in hundreds of different institutions around the world are not all young naive engineers.

Peter is 80 for a start. .. He has seen a trick or too.

People argue they are all getting fed research money which means they follow the herd. Or that they want to be part of the same latest thing.

But that simply isn't true as I can see with my own eyes. The guys I have met working in this area would like nothing more than to be the one who was able to discover an alternative explanation.
I totally agree. Just submitting a simple example about trying to "explain things away" to get the answer you are looking for is not always correct. And indeed in this case, the consequences can and very likely will be very, very bad of kicking this can down the road and being wrong. And there is plenty of evidence to warrant caution here.