" I've only ever ridden one Atlas, it was a very nicely set up bike used mainly for long distance touring " ( wakeup )
indeedski , the ATLAS would be the better two up + baggage tourer , the 650SS the better scratcher & maybe the Mercury the better commuter / alrounder . Maybe .
Then theres 99SSes , etc et al . A unbuggered with original of any type could be appreciated for what it was / is . An undoubed pleasure . The problem was thrasing & neglecting
well used ( read old and not quite idealy maintained ) things owned by young brats with no mechanical sympathy or empathy . Though pre 70 ( or later , some might say ) Brit
vehicals in general are often far from foolproof . As a ' learning exercise ' in this context , you can see why a few met their demise . Nortons letting go & triumphs visiting the sceneary .
So the Road Going Triton was a Child of its Times .
Any carefully / well put together Norton is going to be pretty good , if it isnt a collection of disparet worn out odds & sods . When a thing gets past it its often better to pare it to the bones ,
trash the trash , & do a ' Coustom ' . Where butchering a essentially complete & original machine is a diferant story alltogether .
And for someone where Only a NORTON will do , theres the opertunity to build a updated uprated version of any of the elderly machines , whilst maintaining somewhat of the original appearance .
Horses for Courses , and depends from where youre starting and where you wish to end up , as far as the machineary goes , and the budget

. :cry: