I've never been a push start fan since hearing about an incident I'm sorry I missed. This guy had to have the most nearly racer around. He was running clip ons, humpy tank, rear sets, and stripped everything on his Triumph, which never really ran quite right, but had number plates on the side like he had just returned from Daytona. To be a real pukka racer you had to get rid of the kick start of course. I was also amused that his bike never would idle and was geared to require about a 4,000 RPM launch, anything he saw in a magazine his father bought him.
Anyway, there was a diner in Brunswick Maine a number of us biker kids went to in order socialize and tell each other how fast we were. More than a few impromptu road and drag races came from these occasions, and then a return and a lot of talk about the results.
On a Saturday night in front of everyone you didn't want to look stupid in front of this young gentleman did a lovely push start with the throttle catching on full. I understand the professional racers actually hop on the bike at that point but I'm afraid there was a technical failure there.
Everyone was still laughing even after the police left, the bike and the car it hit were insured and nobody was hurt.
I only went back there after that a few times before I blew up my G15CSR but I never did see him around again. I know from my old freinds he still lives in legend and became a doctor. This has generally lowered my personal opinion of doctors.