Stop damaging your motors with oil shut off valves

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OK Tesla and all the new fangled EV vehicles just shut me down. Damn.
I'll crawl back down in my hole and STFU... Never mind....I'm a luddite.
Carry on. I do like Frank Zappa thou!
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I refer all to Alexei Sayle and his song Ullo John Gotta New Motor, where a motor is clearly a 4 wheeled vehicle with an engine.
I rest my case.
Surely someone should mention Arlo Guthrie’s Motor Cycle song, “I don’t want to pickle, just wanna ride on my motorsickle’ etc. off Alice’s Restaurant Massacre.
After all, it’s the ride time period.
Good, that's clear then!

I use 'engine' unless I'm talking to Americans, or, in the past, a Harley Davidson service manager. :)
I'm incredulous that the last 20 posts have been dedicated to differing definitions of motor!
How about aluminum vs aluminium?
Go for it guys!
Good, that's clear then!

I use 'engine' unless I'm talking to Americans, or, in the past, a Harley Davidson service manager. :)
But it is common parlance to say you are motoring down the road, not engining. And its a motorbike/motorcar, not an engine bike etc.
But it is common parlance to say you are motoring down the road, not engining. And its a motorbike/motorcar, not an engine bike etc.
Yep, I think I'd see those examples referring to the whole thing, rather than the powerplant. E.g., if I bought a new car, I might ask a mate, "do you like my new motor?" I'd only ask if they like my new engine if I'd had to swap it out. Likewise, who designs the engine? An engineer, or motoreer :)

Just my common usage, but mostly I see engine and motor as interchangeable, without losing sleep over it.
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Cleanliness is next to godliness“

yep, I’ve got the same cheap dictionary :D

for what it’s worth, ie feckall, missing from the same dictionary, I drop the oil into a cleanish container and reinstall at a later date. They don’t do enough mileage to do anything else. If it was several thousand miles then it’s new oil and filter. They’re cheap enough for our needs
A very long time ago, in defence of his electrical products, Joseph Lucas said
" A Gentleman does not Motor about after dark"

I don't know if he really said this, however it has been attributed to him for decades.
It's a good bit of advice too, especially if you are relying on some Lucas items to light the way.

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