Stop damaging your motors with oil shut off valves

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But they are called Motorcyles …

Anyone refer to their steed as an Enginecycle… ?
A shortening of 'motorised bicycle', achieved by putting an engine in a bicycle frame. Enabling you to motor, rather than pedal/cycle. :)
But they are called Motorcyles …

Anyone refer to their steed as an Enginecycle… ?
So, using that logic, an aeroplane is powered by an aero?

Edit - just thinking - they were called a radial engine - not a radial motor.
...and try Wikipedia "radial engine" then "radial motor"

Hee Hee!
Then try "motorcycle engine" vs "motorcycle motor"
Case proved!!;)
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As a person who has made his career in the field of engineering, there are some certain inalienable truths that I have picked up over the years:

1. You are only as smart as other people think you are.
2. Opinions yelled very loudly will usually outweigh facts just about every time.
3. Better to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it.
4. Pick your battles.
5. State your facts with a cool head and calm voice, then shut up.
6. He/she who is proven right in the end usually is rewarded with having to clean up the mess.
7. If it works for you, others opinions don't matter.
8. If it is not broken, don't break it.
9. The only person's mind that you can change is your own.

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